 Foto: Arnold Genthe (1869-1942)
- 1979 |
The actress Mary Pickford was born as Gladys Marie Smith in Toronto.
Because her parents already worked for the stage it was only a question
of time till Mary Pickford would seize this occupation too. Her parents
introduced her at an early age and when Mary Pickford was six years old
she stood for the first time on the stage.
When Mary Pickford made her film debut in 1908 this was the beginning
of an unique career and she became the first American Sweetheart.
Her first movie was "Mrs. Jones Entertains" (08), and already in the
following year she appeared in incredible 51 movies - a great deal of work
which shouldn't hardly change in the next few years.
One of her directors was the great D.W. Griffiths, who engaged her
in many of his early productions. For the Biograph Company she appeared
among others in the movies "The Lonely Villa" (09), "The Way of Man" (09),
"Tender Hearts" (09), "The Indian Runner's Romance" (09), "The Little Darling"
(09), "In Old Kentucky" (09), "The Awakening" (09), "The Call" (10), "His
Last Dollar" (10), "A Romance of the Western Hills" (10), "In the Border
States" (10), "Ramona" (10), "May and December" (10), "The Sorrows and
the Unfaithful" (10) and "Sunshine Sue" (10).
Mary Pickford left Biograph in 1911 and worked for Carl Laemmle and
his IMP Film Company. There she acted in "The Italian Barber" (11), "The
Stampede" (11), "The Mirror" (11), "Little Red Riding Hood" (11) and "Her
Darkest Hour" (11). After that she returned to Biograph.
The year 1912 was the last year in which Mary Pickford played in a great
number of movies, so in "The Female of the Species" (12), "A Beast at Bay"
(12), "Lena and the Geese" (12), "An Indian Summer" (12), "The Inner Circle"
(12), "Friends" (12), The New York Hat" (12) and "The Informer" (12). Afterwards
she went to Adolph Zukor and made only a few movies a year, besides it
she also wrote and produced movies.
To her other well-known movies of the 10's belong "Fate" (13), "Caprice"
(13), "A Good Little Devil" (14), "Tess of the Storm Country" (14), "Cinderella"
(14), "Little Pal" (15), "Madame Butterfly" (15), "Broken Hearts" (15),
"The Eternal Grind" (16), "The Pride of the Clan" (17), "The Poor Little
Rich Girl" (17), "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" (17), "Stella Maris" (18),
"Captain Kidd, Jr." (19) and "The Hoodlum" (19).
Mary Pickford was co-founder of United Artists in 1919 together with
the actors Douglas Fairbanks and Charles
Chaplin as well as director D.W. Griffith. United Artists was a counterpart
to the big studios and produced independent movies. United Artists was
responsible for many important movies in the next sixty years before it
was taken over by M-G-M.
Likewise in 1920 Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks got married and
they became the most famous Hollywood couple. Their home "Pickfair Mansion"
was the central issue for the filmworld of the 20's and they influenced
the social life in Hollywood.
Mary Pickford demonstrated a sure instinct in her function for United
Artists which movies will work and which not. She proved that she not only
was a great actress but also a very successful businesswoman. She also
belonged to the 36 foundation members of the Academy of Motion Picture
Arts ans Sciences in 1928 which since then awards the Oscars for the best
film workers each year.
To her merits belong also that she engaged the famous director Ernst
Lubitsch from Germany for the movie "Rosita" (23). As a result Lubitsch
continued his career in America very successful and had an important influence
on the development of cinema.
Mary Pickford appeared only rarely on the screen during the 20's, among
others in "Pollyanna" (20), "The Nut" (21), "Little Lord Fauntleroy" (21),
"Little Annie Rooney" (25), "Sparrows" (26), "The Taming of the Shrew"
(29) and finally "Coquette" (29), for which she got an Oscar as the best
actress in a leading role.
With the development of the sound film she retired from the film business
after the talkies "Kiki" (31) and "Secrets" (33).
She got an Honorary Award in 1976.
Mary Pickford was married in first marriage with actor Owen Moore, in
second marriage with the famous film hero Douglas Fairbanks and in third
marriage with the actor Charles "Buddy" Rogers.
Other movies with Mary Pickford:
The Fascinating Mrs. Francis (09) The Deception (09)
The Drive for Life (09) Two Memories (09) His Duty (09) What Drink Did
(09) The Violin Maker of Cremona (09) The Son's Return (09) Her First Biscuits
(09) The Faded Lilies (09) The Peachbasket Hat (09) The Mexican Sweethearts
(09) The Necklase (09) The Country Doctor (09) The Cardinal's Conspiracy
(09) The Renunciation (09) Sweet and Twenty (09) The Slave (09) A Strange
Meeting (09) They Would Elope (09) His Wife's Visitor (09) The Seventh
Day (09) Oh, Uncle! (09) The Sealed Room (09) The Hessian Renegades (09)
Getting Even (09) The Children's Friend (09) The Broken Locket (09) Wanted,
a Child (09) The Little Teacher (09) His Lost Love (09) Lines of White
on a Sullen Sea (09) What's Your Hurry? (09) The Gibson Goddess (09) The
Restoration (09) The Light That Came (09) A Midnight Adventure (09) A Sweet
Revenge (09) The Mountaineer's Honor (09) In the Watches of the Night (09)
The Trick That Failed (09) The Test (09) To Save Her Soul (09) The Heart
of an Outlaw (09) All on Account of the Milk (10) The Woman From Mellon's
(10) The Englishman and the Girl (10) The Newlyweds (10) The Threads of
Destiny (10) The Twisted Trail (10) The Smoker (10) As Is Is in Life (10)
A Rich Revenge (10) The Unchanging Sea (10) The Two Brothers (10) Love
Among the Roses (10) An Affair of Hearts (10) In the Season of Buds (10)
A Victim of Jealusy (10) The Face at the Window (10) Never Again (10) A
Child's Impulse (10) Muggsy's First Sweetheart (10) What the Daisy Said
(10) A Flash of Light (10) Serious Sexteen (10) The Call to Arms (10) An
Arcadian Maid (10) The Usurer (10) When We Were in Our Teens (10) Willful
Peggy (10) Muggsy Becomes a Hero (10) Little Angels of Luck (10) A Summer
Tragedy (10) Examination Day at School (10) The Iconoclast (10) A Gold
Necklace (10) That Chink at Golden Gulch (10) Waiter No. 5 (10) Simple
Charity (10) The Song of the Wildwood Flute (10) A Plain Song (10) A Child's
Stratagem (10) White Roses (10) The Masher (10) A Lucky Toothache (10)
When a Man Loves (11) Their First Misunderstanding (11) The Dream (11)
Three Sisters (11) A Decree of Destiny (11) Conscience (11) The Aggressor
(11) The Courting of Mary (11) While the Cat's Away (11) The Toss of a
Coin (11) Sweet Memories (11) The Skating Bug (11) The Sentinel Asleep
(11) Second Sight (11) Science (11) The Rose's Story (11) The Message in
a Bottle (11) The Master and the Man (11) A Manly Man (11) Maid or Man
(11) Love Heeds Not the Showers (11) Little Nell's Tobacco (11) The Lighthouse
Keeper (11) In the Sultan's Garden (11) In Old Madrid (11) The House That
Jack Built (11) Honor Thy Father (11) His Dress Shirt (11) A Gasoline Engagement
(11) From the Bottom of the Sea (11) For the Queen's Honor (11) For Her
Brother's Sake (11) The Fisher-Maid (11) The Fair Dentist (11) A Dog's
Tale (11) The Daddy's Dream (11) The Call of the Song (11) The Better Way
(1) Back to the Soil (11) At the Duke's Command (11) At a Quarter of Two
(11) Artful Kate (11) 'Tween Two Loves (11) The Mender of Nets (12) A Siren
of Impulse (12) Iola's Promise (12) Fate's Interception (12) Just Like
a Woman (12) The Old Actor (12) A Lodging for the Night (12) Home Folks
(12) The School Teacher and the Waif (12) The Narrow Road (12) A Child's
Romorse (12) With the Enemy's Help (12) A Pueblo Romance (12) A Pueblo
Legend (12) So Near, Yet So Far (12) A Feud in the Kentucky Hills (12)
The One She Loved (12) My Baby (12) Won by a Fish (12) Grannie (12) The
Unwelcome Guest (13) In the Bishop's Carriage (13) Hearts Adrift (14) The
Eagle's Mate (14) Such a Little Queen (14) Behind the Scenes (14) Mistress
Nell (15) Fanchon, the Cricket (15) The Dawn of a Tomorrow (15) Rags (15)
Esmeralda (15) A Girl of Yesterday (15) The Foundling (15) Poor Little
Peppina (16) Hulda From Holland (16) Less Than the Dust (16) A Romance
of the Redwoods (17) The Little American (17) The Little Princess (17)
Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley (18) M'Liss (18) How Could You, Jean? (18)
Johanna Enlists (18) One Hundred Percent American (18) Daddy-Long-Legs
(19) Heart o' the Hills (19) Suds (20) The Love Light (21) Through the
Back Door (21) Tess of the Storm Country (22) Dorothy Vernon of Haddon
Hall (24) My Best Girl (27) Coquette (29)
The Foundling (15) Johanna Enlists (18) Suds (20) The
Love Light (21) Through the Back Door (21) Little Lord Fauntleroy (21)
Rosita (23) Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall (24) The Taming of the Shrew
(29) Kiki (31) Secrets (33) The Gay Desperado (36) One Rainy Afternoon
(36) Little Iodine (46) Susie Steps Out (46) White Cradle Inn (46) Stork
Bites Man (47) Sleep, My Love (48)
The Awakening (09) The Little Teacher (09) In the Season
of Buds (10) May and December (10) Madame Rex (11) Lena and the Geese (12)
When Fate Decrees (13) Hearts Adrift (14) A Girl of Yesterday (15) |