Künstler |
Tom Verre
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. Der Animations- und Comiczeichner Tom Verre war an Comics wie "Felicity", "The Black Pearl", "Genus", "The New Albedo". "XXXenophile", "Rhudiprrt-Prince of Fur", "Critturs", "The Furkindred", "MechANImoids", "Equine", "Skunk", "Snowbuni", "Furlough" und "Hit the Beach" beteiligt. Daneben war er auch regelmässig für die Videospiel-Industrie tätig. Er schuf unter anderem die Animationen zu den Spielen "Let's Explore the Airport" (95), "Let's Explore the Jungle" (95), "Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo" (96), Big Thinkers!" (97), "Spy Fox - Dry Cereal" (97), "Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning aren't so Frightening" (98), "Blue's Birthday Adventure" (98), "Spy Fox 2: Some Assembly Required" (99), "Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch" (99), "Spy Fox: Operation Ozone" (01), "Backyard Baseball" (03) und "Pajama Sam: Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff" (03). |
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