
1948 |
The actress Nathalie Baye was born as Judith Mesnil in Mainneville.
First she strived for a career as a ballet dancer but then she thought
better of it and entered the career of an actress - a step she never regretted.
It followed first small roles in the productions "Faustine et le bel
été" (72) and "Two People - Zwei Menschen unterwegs" (73)
before she attracted attention with François
Truffaut's "La nuit américaine - Die amerikanische Nacht (73).
But the great breakthrough was still a long time in coming. She impersonated
other small roles in "La gifle - Die Ohrfeige" (74), "Le voyage de noces"
(76) and "Monsieur Papa" (77). And it was again François Truffaut
who pressed ahead with her career when he engaged her for "La chambre verte
- Das grüne Zimmer" (78).
Now her career did not only take shape but also catapulted her to the
Olymp of the French film in no time at all.
She had her breakthrough with "Sauve qui peut (la vie)" (80), for which
she was nominated for her first César.
In the next years followed success after success and she impersonated
character roles in movies like "La provinciale" (81), "Une étrange
affaire" (81), "Le retour de Martin Guerre" (82), "Rive droite, rive gauche"
(84), "Détective" (85) and "En toute innocence - In aller Unschuld"
She continued her career successfully inthe 90's and her career lasts
till today. Nathalie Baye appeared among others in the productions "The
Man Inside - Tödliche Nachrichten" (90), "From Time to Time" (92),
"La machine" (94), "Enfants de salaud - Kinder des Scheusals" (96), "Si
je t'aime, prends garde à toi" (98), desweiteren in "Absolument
fabuleux" (01), "Catch Me If You Can" (02) and "L'un reste, l'autre part"
Nathalie Baye was awarded with a César in 1981, 1982 und 1983,
moreover she was also nominated for a César in 1981, 1984, 1991,
2000 and 2004.
Other movies with Nathalie Baye:
Au théâtre ce soir: Les croulants se portent
bien (70) L'inconnu (73) La gueule ouverte (74) Un jour, la fête
(75) Esquisse d'une jeune femme sens dessus-dessous (75) Le plein de super
(76) La dernière femme (76) Mado (76) L'homme qui aimait les femmes
- Der Mann, der die Frauen liebte (77) La communion solennelle (77) Serie
"Les cinq dernières minutes: Une si jolie petite cure" (77) Mon
premier amour - Meine erste Liebe (78) Sacré farceur (78) Madame
Sourdis (79) Je vais craquer!!! (80) Une semaine de vacances (80) Beau-pèrer
(81) L'ombre rouge (81) La mémoire courte (82) La balance (82) J'ai
épousé une ombre (83) Notre histoire (84) Le neveu de Beethoven
(85) Lune de miel (85) De guerre lasse (87) Gioco al massacro (89) La Baule-les-Pins
(90) Un week-end sur deux (90) Le pinceau à lèvres (90) La
voix (92) Mensonge (93) And the Band Played On (93) La mère (95)
Food of Love (97) Paparazzi - Fotos um jeden Preis (98) Vénus beauté
(institut) - Schöne Venus (99) Une liaison pornographique - Eine pornographische
Beziehung (99) Selon Matthieu (00) Ca ira mieux demain (00) Barnie et ses
petites contrariétés (01) Serie "L'enfant des lumières"
(02) La fleur du mal - Die Blume des Bösen (03) Les sentiments (03)
France Boutique (03) Une vie à t'attendre (04) |