French Film
MAIL English Version


Lucien Gallas

1904 - 1967

The actor Lucien Gallas joined the French film business at the beginning of the 30s and soon became a demanded support actor. 

To his well-known movies of those years belong "Vacances" (31), "La petite de Montparnasse" (32), "Aux portes de Paris" (34), "Un soir à Marseille" (37), "Liberté" (37), "Bar du sud" (38), "Thérèse Martin" (38) and Frères corses" (39).

He successfully continued his career in the 40s and 50s and he took part in "L'enfer des anges" (41), "Madame et le mort" (43), "La cavalcade des heures" (43) and after a longer interruption in "La femme à l'orchidée" (52).

He shot his last film for Italian production with "La mia vita è tua" (53), "Terra straniera" (54) and "Napoli terra d'amore" (54).

Lucien Gallas was married with the actress Ginette Leclerc.

Other movies with Lucien Gallas: 
Magie moderne (31) Pas sur la bouche (31) Le billet de logement (32) La voix du métal (33) La fusée (33) Le petit Jacques (34) Flofloche (34) Promesses (35) La terre quie meurt (36) Les hommes sans nom (37) La loupiote (37) Grisou (38) L'ange que j'ai vendu (38) Vacances payées (38) Une main a frappé (39) Fièvres (42) Le moussaillon (42) Le bienfaiteur (42) Le chant de l'exilé (43) Le val d'enfer (43) Service de nuit (44) Prigionieri delle tenebre (52) Les quatre sergents du Fort Carré (52) Ai margini della metropoli (53) Giorni d'amore (54) Fortune carrée (55) 
