French Film |
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1919 - 1987 |
. The bull-like actor Lino Ventura was born as Angelo Borrini in Parma in Italy. Before he became an ator he was a prize-fighter and wrestler and at the age of 30 he conquered the European championships in the Greco-Roman style before an accident ended his sport career. His stature let made out his former activity as a wrestler and therefore he was predestined for roles as reserved cops and tough guys who want to have their own way regardless. Encouraged by Jean Gabin he accepted small roles in movies and Lino Ventura put soon on a show. Movies like „Touchez pas au grisbi - Wenn es Nacht wird in Paris“ (53), „Razzia sur la Chnouf - Razzia in Paris“ (55), „Le feu aux poudres - Dem Satan ins Gesicht gespuckt“ (56), „Ascenseur pour l'échafaud - Fahrstuhl zum Schafott“ (57), „Le gorille vous salue bien - Der Gorilla lässt schön grüssen“ (57), „Classe tous risques - Der Panther wird gehetzt“ (59) and „125 Rue Montmartre“ (59) set the cours for his impressive career. With „Le deuxième souffle - Der zweite Atem“ (66) he had an international success, it followed "Les aventuriers - Die Abenteurer“ (67) and „Le clan des Siciliens - Der Clan der Sizilianer“ (69). Lino Ventura was no longer depended on well-known film partner at his side. His own name was able to attract the public. His popularity increased with productions like „L'emmerdeur - Die Filzlaus“ (73), „La gifle - Die Ohrfeige“ (74), „Cadaveri eccellenti - Die Macht und ihr Preis“ (75), „L'homme en colère - Ein Mann in Wut“ (78), „Espion, lève-toi - Der Maulwurf“ (81), „Garde à vue - Das Verhör“ (81) and „Cento giorni a Palermo - Die 100 Tage von Palermo“ (84), and he became established as a lasting star of the French gangster and criminal film. Like many famous French actors he also took part in a filming of the literary classic „Les Misérables“; he impersonated the title hero Jean Valjean two times, in 1982 in the feature movie, in 1985 in a TV production. He died in 1987 in Saint-Cloud because of a heart failure.
Other movies with Lino Ventura:
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