Mark Snow

Der Filmkomponist Mark Snow gehört zu den bedeutendsten
Fernsehkomponisten der USA, der auch für viele Kinofilme den Soundtrack
Da seine Eltern sehr musikalisch waren, wurde auch das
musikalische Talent von Mark Snow schon früh gefördert und er erlernte
das Spiel von Klavier, Oboe und Schlagzeug.
Während seines
Studiums an der High School of Music & Art in New York City lernte
er den ebenfalls später berühmt gewordenen Filmkomponisten Michael
Kamen kennen. Die beiden gingen anschliessend an die Musikhochschule
Juillard und sie starteten ihre berufliche Laufbahn mit der Gründung
der Band "New York Rock & Roll Ensemble" (68).
Nach der
Auflösung der Band im Jahre 1973 wandte er sich der Filmkomposition zu
und er feierte sein Debüt mit der Serie "The Rookies" (75-76). Schnell
konnte er sich als Filmkomponist etablieren und er schrieb in den
nächsten Jahren die Musik zu "Gemini Man" (76), "The Boy in the Plastic
Bubble" (76), "Skateboard" (78), die Serie "Starsky and Hutch"
(77-79), die Serie "Family" (78-80), die Serie "Vega$" (78-81) und "The
Return of Mod Squad" (79).
Bereits in den 80er Jahren wurde Mark
Snow mit zahlreichen weiteren filmischen Kompositionen beauftragt und
er schrieb die Musik zu "Angel City" (80), die Serie "Dynasty" (81),
die Serie "T.J. Hooker" (82-86), "Paper Dolls" (82), "Malibu" (83),
"Something About Amelia" (84), die Serie "Hart to Hart" (79-84), die
Serie "Cagney & Lacey" (81-84), "The Lady from Yesterday" (85),
"Blood & Orchids" (86), "Jake Speed" (86), "Murder by the Book"
(87), "Roman Holiday" (87), "The Return of Ben Casey" (88), die Serie
"Falcon Crest" (87-88), "Ladykillers" (88) und "Stuck with Each Other"
Seine Schaffenskraft blieb auch in den 90er Jahren weiterhin sehr hoch und er vertonte viele Filme und Fernsehserien. Zu
seinen bekanntesten Arbeiten dieser Jahre gehören "The Girl Who Came
Between Them" (90), die Serie "Dark Justice" (91-93), "The Lost Capone"
(90), "A Taste for Killing" (92), "An American Story" (92), Scattered
Dreams" (93), die Serie "The X Files" (93-03), "Heart of a Child" (94),
"Children of the Dust" (95), "Forgotten Sins" (96), die Serie
"Millennium" (96-99), "Payback" (97), "The Perfect Mother" (97),
"20'000 Leagues Under the Sea" (97), die Serie "La femme Nikita"
(97-00), "The Day Lincoln Was Shot" (98) und "The X Files" (98).
seinen jüngsten filmischen Werken zählen "Another Woman's Husband"
(00), die Serie "Dark Realm" (00), die Serie "Bull" (00-01), die Serie
"The Guardian" (01-02), die Serie "Smallville" (01-07), die Serie
"Haunted" (02), "Paradise" (04), "The X Files: I Want to Believe" (08),
"The Hunters" (10), die Serie "Ringer" (11-12) und die Serie "Blue
Bloods" (10-15).
In 2006 schrieb er erstmals die Filmmusik zu
einem französischen Film für Alain Resnais' "Coeurs" (06), dem weitere
französische Produktionen folgten wie "Les herbes folles" (09), "Vous
n'avez encore rien vu" (12) und "Aimer, boire et chanter" (14), alle
ebenfalls von Regisseur Alain Resnais.
In seiner langjährigen
Laufbahn erhielt Mark Snow 19 Emmy-Nominationen und er gewann den ASCAP
award 34 mal. Eine César-Nomination gesellte sich 2007 hinzu.
Weitere Filme von Mark Snow:
Serie "Visions: The War Widow" (76) Flush (77) Serie
"The San Pedro Beach Bums" (77) Big Bob Johnson and His Fantastic Speed
Circus (78) Serie "Flatbush" (79) Serie "The Love Boat: Where Is
It Written?/Julie's Aunt/The Big Deal" (78) Serie"The Love Boat: Best
of Friends/Aftermath/Dream Boat" (79) Serie "The Next Step Beyond" (79)
Serie "Brothers and Sisters" (79) Something Short of Paradise (79)
Serie "When the Whistle Blows: Miss Hard Hat USA" (80) Casino (80)
Serie "240-Robert" (79-81) High Risk (81) Serie "Strike Force: Magic
Man" (81) I'd Rather Be Calm (82) Serie "The Love Boat: The Best of
Friends/Too Many Dads/Love Will Find a Way" (82) The Six of Us (82)
Games Mother Never Taught You (82) Packin' It In (83) Two Kinds of Love
(83) Serie "Matt Houston: The Crying Clown" (83) The Winter of Our
Discontent (83) Over Here, Mr. President (83) A Good Sport (84) Serie
"Lottery!" (83-84) Pigs vs. Freaks (84) Secrets of a Married Man (84) I
Married a Centerfold (84) Serie "Paper Dolls" (84) Not My Kid (85)
Challenge of a Lifetime (85) California Girls (85) Serie "Crazy Like a
Fox" (84-86) International Airport (85) Rockhopper (85) Royal Match
(85) Beverly Hills Cowgirl Blues (85) I Dream of Jeannie...Fifteen
Years Later (85) One Terrific Guy (86) Acceptable Risks (86) News at
Eleven (86) Serie "Disneyland: The Girl Who Spelled FRreedom" (86)
Serie "Disneyland: The Deacon Street Deer" (86) Serie "Kay O'Brien"
(86) Louis L'amour's Down the Long Hills (86) One Police Plaza (86)
Warm Hearts, Cold Feet (87) Pals (87) Still Crazy Like a Fox (87)
Murder Ordained (87) Cracked Up (87) Serie "CBS Summer Playhouse: The
Saint in Manhattan" (87) Kids Like These (87) A Hobo's Christmas (87)
The Father Clements Story (87) Serie "Vietnam War Story" (87) Alone in
the Neon Jungle (88) The In Crowd (88) Bluegrass (88) Serie "Aaron's
Way: The Harvest" (88) Scandal in a Small Town (88) The Secret Life of
Kathy McCormick (88) Ernest Saves Christmas (88) Disaster at Silo 7
(88) Those She Left Behind (89) Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of Jessica
McClure" (89) Settle the Score (89) When He's Not a Stranger (89)
Miracle Landing (90) Follow Your Heart (90) Child in the Night (90)
Archie. To Riverdale and Back Again (90) Dead Reckoning (90) The Little
Kidnappers (90) Opposites Attract (90) Serie "Pee-wee's Playhouse:
Conky's Breakdown" (90) Serie "Pee-wee's Playhouse: Camping Out" (90)
Crash: The Mystery of Flight 1501 (90) In the Line of Duty: A Cop for
the Killing (90) The Marla Hanson Story (91) White Hot: The Mysterious
Murder of Thelma Todd (91) In the Line of Duty: Manhunt in the Dakotas
(91) Living a Lie (91) Dolly Dearest (91) The Rape of Doctor Willis
(91) The Gambler Returns: The Luck of the Draw (91) Wife, Mother,
Murderer (91) Dead and Alive: The Race for Gus Farace (91) Battling for
Baby (92) A Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story (92) Highway
Heartbreaker (92) Deliver Them from Evil: The Taking of Alta View (92)
In the Line of Duty:Street War (92) The Danger of Love: The Carolyn
Warmus Story (92) Her Final Fury: Betty Broderick, the Last Chapter
(92) Telling Secrets (93) The Disappearance of Nora (93) The Man with
Three Wives (93) Father & Son: Dangerous Relations (93) Born Too
Soon (93) Ambush in Waco: In the Line of Duty (93) Precious Victims
(93) Dead Badge (94) Murder Between Friends (94) In the Line of Duty:
The Price of Vengeance (94) Caroline at Midnight (94) Witness ot the
Execution (94) Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All (94) A Place
for Annie (94) Moment of Truth: Cradle of Conspiracy (94) Playmaker
(94) The Substitute Wife (94) Moment of Truth: Caught in the Crossfire
(94) Shadows of Desire (94) Texas Justice (95) A Stranger in Town (95)
Born to Be Wild (95) The Other Mother: A Moment of Truth Movie (95)
Secuced and Betrayed (95) Down, Out & Dangerous (95) The Unspoken
Truth (95) Trial by Fire (95) In the Line of Duty: Hunt for Justice
(95) Mixed Blessings (95) Smoke Jumpers (96) Project: ALF (96)
Conundrum (96) Sweet Temptation (96) Special Report: Journey to Mars
(96) Summer of Fear (96) Serie "Nowhere Man" (95-96) A Loss of
Innocence (96) Night Sins (97) Serie "Perversions of Science: Dream of
Doom" (97) The Price of Heaven (97) Cloned (97) Disturbing Behavior
(98) Mr. Murder (98) A Memory in My Heart (99) Crazy in Alabama (99) A
Touch of Hope (99) Stranger in My Houyse (99) In the Name of the
People (00) The Dancing Cow (00) Code Name Phoenix (00) Murder, She
Wrote: A Story to Die For (00) Serie "Harsh Realm" (99-00) Dirty
Pictures (00) Sole Survivor (00) UFO: The Truth Is Here (01) For Love
of Olivia (01) Serie "The Lone Gunmen" (01) Pearl Harbor II:
Pearlmageddon (01) Serie "Pasadena" (01-02) Serie "Special Unit 2"
(01-02) Birds of Prey (02) White Like the Moon (02) Critical Assembly
(02) Serie "The Twilight Zone: Night Route" (02) Serie "The Twilight
Zone: The Path" (03) Serie "The Twilight Zone: Rewind" (03) Serie "The
Twililght Zone: The Collection" (03) Serie "The Twilight Zone: Burned"
(03) D.C. Sniper: 23 Days of Fear (03) She's Too Young (04) Helper
Skelter (04) Bereft (04) Odd Girl Out (05) Serie "Kojak" (05) Serie
"One Tree Hill" (04-05) The Hamlet Adventure (08) Adventures in
Appletown (08) Serie "Ghost Whisperer" (05-10) White Irish Drinkers
(10) Just Like Her (11)