Giuseppe Becce takes an important position in film music. His compositions
were an important part in the development of cinema music.
the Italian birth composer could completely develop his talents for
the German movie which started in the silent movie era and found the height
in the sound film of the 30's.
But before Giuseppe Becce got in touch with the film business he already
wrote the operetta "Das Bett der Pompadour" in 1910 and the opera "Tullia"
in 1912.
In 1913 the producer Oskar Messter intended to film the life of composer
Richard Wager. Because his relatives demanded too much royalty, Messter
was in search of a composer who was able to arrange the music for his film
in Wagner's style. As a result he came across with Giuseppe Becce. Becce
didn't take over only the job for the music but also took over the leading
In later years he appeared only one time more in front of the camera
for the movie "Der Absturz" (22), with the famous Asta
Nielsen as his partner.
In the 20's became Becce the head of the Ufa music department. In this
time he set the silent movies "Der steinerne Reiter" (22) and the worldwide
successes "Der letzte Mann" (24) and "Tartüff" (25) to music, both
with the incomparable Emil Jannings in the main
Giuseppe Becce belonged to the few people who faced the rise of the
sound film positive and he saw big advantages in it. He said:
"Together with the development of the sound film, the development
of the cinema music will walk hand in hand, because the sound film will
help to create the style of the film music for which all serious composers
are already trying to get". (Becce 1929).
The 30's marked the height of Becce's creative power. He composed the
music for "Unter falscher Flagge" (32), "Ekstase" (32) and "Der Spieler"
But his real passion he found with the setting of mountain films, especially
for Luis Trenker. There he could catch the mountains
with their threats and beauties on a wonderful way with his dramatic music.
I only mention the movies "Berge in Flammen" (31), "Der Rebell" (32), "Der
verlorene Sohn" (34), "Der Kaiser von Kalifornien" (36), "Condottieri"
(37) and "Der Berg ruft" (37) as great examples.
After the war he was able to continue his work successful and he composed
the music for numerous other movies in the 50's. Beside it he also contributed
his music to documentaries.
Other movies from Giuseppe Becce:
Schuldig (13) Komtesse Ursel (13)
Der Günstling von Schönbrunn (29) Skandal um Eva (30) Der Sohn
der weissen Berge (30) Das alte Lied (30) Zweierlei Moral (30) Fra Diavolo
(31) Zwischen Nacht und Morgen (31) Das blaue Licht (32) Die Vier um Bob
(32) Der Läufer von Marathon (33) Spione am Werk (33) Gipfelstürmer
(33) Das Lied der Sonne (33) Polarstürme (34) Der ewige Traum/Der
König des Montblanc (34) Ich heirate meine Frau (34) Peer Gynt (34)
Hundert Tage (35) Wunder des Fliegens (35) Künstlerliebe (35) Die
weisse Hölle vom Piz Palü (35) Ein seltsamer Gast (36) Die Stunde
der Versuchung (36) Madame Bovary (37) Die gelbe Flagge (37) Liebesbriefe
aus dem Engadin (38) Der König der Berge (38) Alpenföhn (38)
Ein Abenteuer am Thunersee (39) Schweizer Bergfibel (39) Salonwagen E 417
(39) Frau im Strom (39) Der Feuerteufel (40) Clarissa (41) Krishna (41)
Amore imperiale (41) Viel Lärm um Nixi (41) La cena delle beffe (41)
Orizzonte di sangue (42) Mit den Augen einer Frau (42) Fahrt ins Abenteuer
(43) L'angelo bianco (43) Im Banne des Monte miracolo (48) Il corriere
del re (48) Bergkristall/Der Wildschütz von Tirol (49) Paradies auf
Erden (49) Bildschnitzer im Grödnertal (49) Skiurlaub in den Dolomiten
(50) An der Dolomitenstrasse (50) Frühling in Südtirol (50) Gondelfahrt
durch Venedig (50) Schönes Venedig (50) Niemals mutlos (50) Sonniges
Spanien 850) Ewig läuten die Glocken (51) Ewiges Handwerk (51) Gesetz
ohne Gnade (51) Urlaub im Schnee (51) Lofotenfischer (51) Was das Herz
befiehlt (51) Weisse Hölle Mont Blanc/Fegefeuer der Liebe/nacht am
Mont Blanc (51) Strasse zur Heimat (52) Aus König Laurins Rosengarten
(52) Bergsommer (52) Hinter Klostermauern (52) Kleine Kletterfahrt (52)
Karneval in Weiss (52) Der Herrgottschnitzer von Ammergau (52) Hofkirche
Inssbruck (52) Sonniges Südtirol (53) Kavaliere im Eis (53) Junges
Herz voll Liebe/Der Haflinger Sepp (53) Der Ehestreik (53) SOS Zinnen-Nordwand
(54) Hänsel und Gretel (54) Rotkäppchen (54) Auf Himmelsgraten
(55) Wetterwart auf Deutschlands höchstem Gipfel (55) Ski Heil! (55)
Ruf der Berge (55) Das Schweigen im Walde (55) Über Tal und Wolken/Bis
zum Himmel unsere Welt (55) Der Jäger von Fall (56) Der Edelweisskönig
(57) Der Schäfer vom Trutzberg (58) Zauber der Dolomiten (58) Unser
Freund der Haflinger (58) Phänomen Klettern (59) Der Tageslauf eines
Bergpfarrers (68) Erlebnisse am Matterhorn (71) Von Kastelruth nach Hollywood
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