MAIL English Version
Valery Boothby

Picture Valery Boothby
Foto: Alexander Binder (1888-1929)

1906 - 1982

The actress Valery Boothby was born as Wally Drucker in Hamburg. She entered the film business in 1925 and she made her film debut with "Der krasse Fuchs" (25), directed by Conrad Wiene. 

In the next years came many other silent movies into being which increased her popularity. To these movies belong "Die Frau mit dem Weltrekord" (27), "Das letzte Souper" (28), "Angst" (28), "Der Monte Christo von Prag" (29), "Frauen am Abgrund" (29) and "Mädchen am Kreuz" (29). 

In the early time of the talkies she appeared in her last movies, she took part in the productions "In einer kleinen Konditorei" (30), "Er oder ich" (30) and "Der Herr Finanzdirektor" (31). 

At the beginning of her career she also used the pseudonym Vala de Lys.

Other movies with Valery Boothby:
Manege (27) Der Sieg der Jugend (27) Seine Mutter (28) Der Tanzstudent (28) Das Girl von der Revue (28) Adam und Eva (28) Rund um die Liebe (29) Vererbte Triebe (29) Sturm auf drei Herzen (29) Der Mann, der nicht liebt (29) Die Todesfahrt im Weltrekord (29) Zimmer 107 (30) Sturm auf drei Herzen (30) Namensheirat (30) Frauen von heute (31) Solang' noch ein Walzer von Strauss erklingt (31) 
