MAIL English Version

Wilhelm Borchert

Lichtbild aus "Die Mörder sind unter uns" 1946

1907 - 1990

The actor Wilhelm Borchert (also Ernst Wilhelm Borchert) made his film debut already at the age of twenty with the movie "Die von der Sanitätskolonne" (27), for which he also wrote the script.

After that his creative power concentrated on the theater, only in the 40's he appeared agein in movies.
To his well known movies during World War II belong "U-Boote westwärts" (41), "Der Strom" (42) and "Der ewige Klang" (43).

Although Wilhelm Borchert took part in important movies and was convincing with his acting qualities time and again, his film engagement kept rare. 
He impersonated the leading role in the first German post-war movie "Die Mörder sind unter uns" (46), in the following decaded followed sporadic movies like "Sauerbruch - Das war mein Leben" (54), "Hunde, wollt ihr ewig leben" (58), "Jeder stirbt für sich allein" (75) and "Michael Kohlhaas" (79).

Wilhelm Borchert was also dubbing many movies besides his activity as an actor and gave his catchy voice to many actors.

Other movies with Wilhelm Borchert:
Mein Leben für Irland (41) Wenn Du noch eine Heimat hast (42) Und wieder 48 (48) Schicksal aus zweiter Hand (49) Herr über Leben und Tod (54) Du darfst nicht länger schweigen (55) Das kunstseidene Mädchen (59) Die Botschafterin (60) Serie "Der Stechlin" (75)
