MAIL English Version

Fritz Delius

Picture Fritz Delius
Foto: Nicola Perscheid (1864-1930)

1890 - 1966

The actor Fritz Delius was born as Friedrich Wilhelm Diamant. He made his stage debut in Meiningen in 1909, shortly afterwards he appeared in Berlin and at the Theater in der Josefstadt Wien. 

He began his film career in the middle of the 10's with movies like "Das grosse Schweigen" (15), "Ihr bester Schuss" (16) and "Der Gefangene von Dahomey" (17).

In the 20's followed successful productions like "Auri sacra fames/Der verfluchte Hunger nach Gold" (20), "Katharina die Grosse" (20), "Lotte Lore" (21), "Deutsche Helden in schwerer Zeit" (24) and "Der Turm des Schweigens" (25).

When the talkies arose he retired more or less from the film business, only for the movie "Seine Freundin Annette" (30) he apeared again in front of the camera. He concentrated again to the theater.
As a Jew he had to leave Germany in 1938 and emigrated to Switzerland where he was able to continue his theater career. He also impersonated few small roles in movies.

He also wrote the script for several movies, among them  "Abseits vom Glück" (16) and "Der Ruf der Liebe" (16).

Other movies with Fritz Delius:
Die Wellen schweigen (15) Ernst ist das Leben... (16) Abseits vom Glück (16) Der Ruf der Liebe (16) Das Geschenk der Norne (16) Der feldgraue Groschen (17) Die Nixenkönigin (17) Das Geheimnis der Cecilienhütte (18) Der Peitschenhieb (19) Die Erbin (19) Alles verkehrt (19) Das Frauenhaus von Brescia (20) Ut mine Stromtide (20) Louise de Lavallière (20) Das Testament eines Exzentrischen (20) An der Liebe Narrenseil (20) Fridericus Rex (23) Landammann Stauffacher (44) Matto regiert / §51 - Seelenarzt Dr. Laduner (49)
