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Robert A. Dietrich
1889 - 1947 |
. The art director Robert A. Dietrich belonged to the pioneers of the German film. After an education at the university for architecture in Portland he gained a foothold in the film business in 1911. At the beginning of his career he was often engaged by director Urban Gad and his movie star Asta Nielsen, later followed many other engagements for other well-known directors in Germany. To his first movies as an art director belong "Nachtfalter" (11), "Die arme Jenny" (12), "Der Student von Prag" (13), "Der Prinzenraub" (14), "Die Löwenbraut" (15) and "Der Hermelinmantel" (15). For his by then most important work for the movie "Der Student von Prag" (13) he also created the costumes. In the second half of the 10s he was the art director for productions like "Das Wunder der Madonna" (16), the successful cinema serial "Homunculus" (16), "Das Bacchanal des Todes" (17), "Erloschene Augen" (17), "Ahasver" (17), "Sei getreu bis in den Tod" (18), "Irrwege der Liebe" (18), "Der Herr der Welt" (18), "Die Spione" (19) and "Das Geheimnis des Amerika-Docks" (19). During this time he familiarized the future art director Artur Günther with his profession. They worked together time and again in the next years. The most active period for Robert A. Dietrich followed in the 20s and he was responsible for the decoration for numerous entertainment films. To these movies belong "Va banque" (20), "Weltbrand" (20), "Der Mord ohne Täter" (21), "Christian Wahnschaffe" (21), "Die Insel der Verschollenen" (21), "Der Mann mit der eisernen Maske" (23), "Sylvester" (24), "Husarenfieber" (25), "Wallensteini" (25), "Frauen der Leidenschaft" (26), "Kreuzzug des Weibes" (26), "Unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit" (27), "Die Vorbestraften" (27), "Maria Stuart" (27), "Kaczmarek" (28), "Das Geständnis der Drei" (29) and "Der rote Kreis" (29). When the sound film replaced the silent movies Robert A. Dietrich remained a demanded art director, especially during the 30s. He worked for the productions "Namensheirat" (30), "Der Raub der Mona Lisa" (1), "Tannenberg" (32), "Brennendes Geheimnis" (33), "Wilhelm Tell" (34), "Die vier Musketiere" (34), "Onkel Bräsig" (36), "Der Biberpelz" (37), "Die göttliche Jette" (37), "Kleiner Mann - ganz gross!" (38), "Narren im Schnee" (38) and "Irrtum des Herzens" (39). During World War II he only was active for few more movies, among them "Sechs Tage Heimaturlaub" (41), "Jakko" (41), "Titanic" (43) and "Die Hochstaplerin" (44). The movie "Peter Voss, der Millionendieb" (46) was shot in 1943 but only released after the war in 1946. Robert A. Dietrich himself was no longer active for movies after the war. He already died in 1947 at the age of only 58. Other
movies from Robert A. Dietrich (Production Designer):
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