MAIL English Version

Conrad Dreher

1859 - 1944

The actor Conrad Dreher became a popular stage comedian at the end of the 19th century and his performance filled the public with enthusiasm in whole Germany.
He founded together with Xaver Terofal the Schlierseer Bauerntheater in 1892 which soon got a fixed place in the German theater history. One of the highlights of this theatergroup was a tour through the USA in 1895/1896 with appearances at the Metropolitan opera.

As an established theater actor he also took part in some silent movies. To his first movies belong "Der Tyrann von Muckendorf" (15), "Der müde Theodor" (18) and "Mein Leopold" (19).

His last movies came in the 20's into being like "Hasemanns Töchter" (20), "Der Zechpreller" (21) and "Der kleine Muck" (21).

Conrad Dreher was later given the title "Königlich bayerischer Hofschauspieler". At the age of 80 he retired from the stage.

Other movies with Conrad Dreher:
Herrn Petermanns Jagdabenteuer (16) Das schwarze Huhn (17) Die rechte Schmiede (17) Resemanns Brautfahrt (18) Die blonden Mädels vom Lindenhof (18) König Krause (19) Der Millionenbauer (19) Der Mann mit dem Affenkopf (20) Ganz der Grosspapa (20) Lolas Vater (20) In der Sommerfrisch'n (20) Doktor Klaus (20)
