MAIL English Version


Karl Figdor

1881 - 1957

The writer Karl Figdor began his professional career as a journalist and he became also popular as an author of adventure novels.

To his noves belong "Das schlafende Licht" (06), "Die Herrin der Welt" (19), "Die Fahrt des Sao Jeronymo" (29), "Der Narr der Liebe" (29), "Der Schatz des Dschinghis Khan" (29), "Der Schatz der Köngin von Saba" (30) and "Der Mann aus dem Nichts" (45).

Karl Figdor began to wrote screenplays for silent movies from 1919, to these works belong "Die schwarze Marion" (19), "Die Teufelsgeige" (19) and the filming of his successful novel "Die Herrin der Welt" (19).

He wrote his last screenplays in the 20s for the productions "Die einsame Insel" (20), "Fata Morgana" (20), "Der Tanz in den Abgrund" (20), "Die Tarantel" (20), "Die Trommeln Asiens" (21), "Soll und Haben" (24) and "Das Mädchen aus Frisco" (27).

He left Germany in 1935 and went to Yugoslavia first before he went to Switzerland two years later. There he worked as a journalist for newspapers like Die Weltwoche, the Zürcher Tages-Anzeiger and the Basler Nationalzeitung.

In the course of his career Karl Figdor also used the pseudonymes Percy Trunx and Alex Siegert.

Other movies from Karl Figdor:
Der Tintenfischclub (19) Sumpfhanne (19) Das goldene Buch (19) Die Brüder von Sankt Parasitus (19) Der Kopf des Gonzales (20) Das Lied der Puszta (20) Schiffe und Menschen (20) Das Floss der Toten (21) Koryatovic (22) Der Liebe Pilgerfahrt (23)
