MAIL English Version

Olly Gebauer

Foto: Siegmund Labisch (1863-1942)

1908 - 1937

The actress Olly Gebauer experienced the height of her film career in the 30's.

She began her career as a chorus singer at the Johann Strauss theater before she gained a foothold in the film business.
To her first movies belong "Das Kaiserliebchen" (31), "Ronny" (31), "Das Abenteuer der Thea Roland" (32), "Strafsache van Geldern" (32) and "Das Geheimnis um Johann Orth" (32).

In the next years followed other well-known productions in which she played bigger support roles. To these movies belong "Manolescu, der Fürst der Diebe" (33), "Kaiserwalzer" (33), "Salto in die Seligkeit" (34), "Vorstadtvarieté" (35) and "Die Puppenfee" (36).

Already in 1933 she had to emigrate from Germany because her husband, the actor and director Max Nosseck was a Jew.

Olly Gebauer died unexpected at the age of 28 in 1937 in Vienna.

Other movies with Olly Gebauer:
Ein ausgekochter Junge (31) Ein bisschen Liebe für Dich (32) Einmal möcht' ich keine Sorgen haben (32) Im Banne des Eulenspiegels (32) Sag' mir, wer Du bist (33) Marion, das gehört sich nicht (33) Gado Bravo (34) Ein Sonntag im Sommer in Wien (34) Poderoso caballero (35) Sein letztes Modell (37)
