Adrienne Gessner

1896 - 1987

The actress Adrienne Gessner was born as Adrienne Geiringer in Maria Schutz. Here parents were also artistically active, her father was the composer Gustav Geiringer, he rmother the stage actress Christine Geiringer.

She joined the academy for music and dramatic arts from 1914 and 1916 to become an actress. Afterwards she made her stage debut for the play "Das Postamt" at the Münchener Kammerspielen.

Afterwards she got engagements at different theaters in Germany and Austria.

In 1931 she was able to gain a foothold in the film business for a brief time and she appeared in the movies "Die grosse Liebe" (31) and "Katharina, die Letzte" (36).

Because her husband, the director and writer Ernst Lother, was a Jew she had no future in the National Socialist Europe and the couple emigrated via Switzerland and England to the USA. There Adrienne Gessner was able to continue her acting career, among others on Broadway.

After World War II she and her husband returned to Austria and she continued her career both on stage (especially at the Burgtheater) and in front of the camera.

To her movies of the 40s and 50s belong "Der Engel mit der Posaune" (48), "Vagabunden" (49), "Abenteuer in Wien" (52), "No Time for Flowers" (52), "Der Feldherrnhügel" (53), "Die Hexe" (54), "Die Deutschmeister" (55), "Ich denke oft an Piroschka" (55), "Kronprinz Rudolfs letzte Liebe" (56), "Familie Schimek" (57), "Die Trapp-Familie in Amerika" (58) and "Herrn Josefs letzte Liebe" (59).

In the 60s followed again numerous movies or TV productions before she retired slowly from the limelight. But she still remained active as an actress till to the old age.

To these works belong "A Breath of Scandal" (60), "Das weite Land" (60), "Das Riesenrad" (61), "Bekenntnisse eines möblierten Herrn" (63), "Nathan der Weise" (64), "Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald" (64), "Schwester Bonaventura" (69), "Liliom" (71) and an episode of the serial "Tatort: Mord auf Raten" (80).

Other movies with Adrienne Gessner:
Nach dem Sturm (48) Der fidele Bauer (51) Frühlingsstimmen (52) Ich hab' mich so an Dich gewöhnt (52) Hannerl: Ich tanze mit Dir in den Himmel hinein (52) Stolen Identity (53) Der erste Kuss (54) An der schönen blauen Donau (55) Ehesanatorium (55) Zwei Herzen und ein Thron (55) Die goldene Brücke (56) Einen Jux will er sich machen (56) Das Liebesleben des schönen Franz (56) Rosmarie kommt aus Wildwest (56) Die liebe Familie (57) Salzburger Geschichten (57) Meine schöne Mama (58) Jedermann (58) Auferstehung (58) Ich heirate Herrn Direktor (60) A Breath of Scandal (60) Die Abenteuer des Grafen Bobby (61) Waldrausch (62) Der Musterknabe (63) Der Verschwender (64) Die Teepuppe (64) Die Flucht (66) Madame Legros (68) Sich selbst der Nächste (68) Hochzeit (72) Defraudanten (72) Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald (79)  

