MAIL English Version

Heidemarie Hatheyer

1918 - 1990

The actress Heidemarie Hatheyer made her first acting experiences at a Viennese cabaret. When she played a small part in the operetta "Axel an der Himmelstür" at Zarah Leander's side in 1936 this was the beginning of a creative stage career.

It wasn't a long time till the energetic actress also was spotted for the film. Luis Trenker engaged her for his movie "Der Berg ruft" (37), it followed "Frau Sixta" (38) and "Ein ganzer Kerl" (39). When she impersonated the title role in the movie "Die Geierwally" (40), she achieved her greatest success of her career. Till the end of war followed well-known movies like "Ich klage an" (41), "Der grosse Schatten" (42) and "Die Jahre vergehen" (44).

She continued her career at the theater smoothly after the war, in movies she only appeared again from 1949. To her well-known movies of the 50's belong "Dr. Holl" (51), "Das letzte Rezept" (52), "Pünktchen und Anton" (53), "Sauerbruch - Das war mein Leben" (54), "Die Ratten" (55), "Glücksritter" (57) and "Die letzte Station" (58).

In the 60's she more often worked for the television and of course at the theater where she worked her whole life. Feature movies were exceptional. It took nearly twenty years till she took part in a feature movie again with the title "Martha Jellneck" (88), where she again had an impressive performance as a lonely old woman found an SS officer out.

She impersonated her last role in three episodes of the serial "Diese Drombuschs" (89).

Heidemarie Hatheyer was married with director Willfried Feldhütter, later with the author Curt Riess.

Other movies with Heidemarie Hatheyer:
Zwischen Strom und Steppe (38) Die Nacht in Venedig (42) Man rede mir nicht von Liebe (43) Ich glaube an dich (44) Regimentsmusik (45) Wohin die Züge fahren (49) Begegnung mit Werther (49) Dieser Mann gehört mir (50) Der Mann, der zweimal leben wollte (50) Vom Teufel gejagt (50) Mein Herz darfst Du nicht fragen (52) Liebe ohne Illusion (55) Du darfst nicht länger schweigen (55) Die Ehe des Dr. med. Danwitz (56) Tierarzt Dr. Vlimmen (56) Der Meineidbauer (56) ...und führe uns nicht in Versuchung (57) Solange das Herz schlägt (58) Blühende Träume (59) Die Familie (60) Ruf der Wildgänse (61) Medea (62) Leonor (62) Elektra (63) Andorra (64) Heiss weht der Wind/Mein Freund Shorty (64) Kranichtanz (67) Der Besuch (75) Die Herausforderung (75) Auf dem Chimborazo (76) Serie "Sonderdezernat K1: Der Tod des Schrankenwärters" (77) Serie "Halbzeit" (77) Serie "Spannende Geschichten: Er lässt die Hand küssen" (78) Serie "Pariser Geschichten" (79) Serie "Tatort: Mord im Grandhotel" (79) Wunder einer Nacht (79) Ein Abend mit Labiche (79) 
