MAIL English Version

Fred Hennings

Foto: Franz Xaver Setzer (1886-1939)

1895 - 1981

The actor Fred Hennings was born as Franz von Papen-Pawlowski in Klagenfurt. 

He began his career as a stage actor and was among others engaged at the Viennese Burgtheater for nearly 50 years. 

He made his film debut in 1923 with "Das Bildnis" (23), it followed other movies sporadically like "Spiel um den Mann" (29), "Bei der blonden Kathrein" (34), "Silhouetten" (36) and "Ernte" (36).

But the theater remained his main activity all his life, this also explains the only few more movies in which Fred Hennings appeared in the 50s and 60s. 
To these productions belong "Cordula" (50), "1. April 2000" (52), "Franz Schubert" (53), "Die Geierwally" (56), "Das weite Land" (60) and "Der Verschwender" (64).

Besides his acting career Fred Hennings was also busy as a art and culture historian as well as a writer. 

Other movies with Fred Hennings:
Prater (36) Heiraten – aber wen? (38) Kind der Donau (50) Der Verschwender (53) Der rote Prinz (54) Don Giovanni (55) Wien, du Stadt meiner Träume (57) Wer die Heimat liebt (57) Don Carlos (61)
