MAIL English Version

Dary Holm

Picture Dary Holm
Foto: Alexander Binder (1888-1929)

1897 - 1960

The actress Dary Holm began her film career from 1921 with movies like "Der Todessegler" (21), "Die Beute der Erinnyen" (21), "Der schwarze Harlekin" (22) und "Das Wirtshaus im Spessart" (24). 
From 1924 her career was bound up with the one of Harry Piel. Already in 1924 she played for the first time at Piel's side in the movie "Auf gefährlichen Spuren", afterwards followed several further cooperations, among others "Der Mann ohne Nerven" (24), "Schneller als der Tod" (25) and "Abenteuer im Nachtexpress" (25).

After the divorce of Harry Piel from his first wife the got married in 1927 and continued her common career till into the sound film with productions like "Panik" (28), "Mann gegen Mann" (28), "Schatten der Unterwelt" (31) and "Jonny stiehlt Europa" (32).

Other movies with Dary Holm:
Hyänen der Welt (21) Das Blut der Schwester (22) Die Lieber der Asra (22) Die Rache des Marquis Dokama (22) Im Rausche der Milliarden (22) 1812 - Gräfin Vandières (23) Die Tragödie einer Liebesnacht (23) Ihr Fehltritt (23) Spanische Gluten (24) Um eine Million (24) Zigano, der Brigant vom Monte Diavolo (25) Der Veilchenfresser (26) Der schwarze Pierrot (26) Die versunkene Flotte (26) Rätsel einer Nacht (27) Männer ohne Beruf (29) Sein bester Freund (29) Achtung! - Auto-Diebe! (30) 
