MAIL English Version

Evelyn Holt

Picture Evelyn Holt
Foto: Alexander Binder (1888-1929)

1908 - 2001

The actress Evelyn Holt was born as Evelyn Sklarz.
In the last years of the silent movie era she came in contact with the film and acted in well-known productions like "Die Waise von Lowood" (26), "Liebelei" (27) and "Ehe in Not" (29).

The transition to the sound film didn't give her problems because she was an educated soubrette. She played succesfully in "Das Wolga-Mädchen" (30), "Das Ekel" (31) and "Fortschritt" (33).

With the assumption of power of the Nazis became her professional field of activity very restricted. Because of her birthname Sklarz she wasn't accepted as an Aryan what meant that she merely was able to appear at the "Komische Oper" in Berlin. 

With her marriage in 1936 she finished the discussion on her origin, by resigning from the film business. Evelyn Holt and her husband Felix Guggenheim emigrated via Switzerland and England to the USA where she lived till her death.

Other movies with Evelyn Holt:
Spitzen (26) Die Achtzehnjährigen (27) Walpurgisnacht (27) Wenn Menschen reif zur Liebe werden (27) Die elf Teufel (27) Der fesche Husar/Oberleutnant Franzl (28) Der Mann mit dem Laubfrosch (28) Freiwild (28) Frauenarzt Dr. Schäfer (28) Ein Mädel und drei Clowns (28) Das Recht auf Liebe (29) Die Schleiertänzerin (29) Mädchen am Kreuz (29) Einbruch im Bankhaus Reichenbach (30) Eine Stunde Glück (30) Namensheirat - Diskretion - Ehrensache (30) Das Wolga-Mädchen (30) Aschermittwoch (31) Das Ekel (31) Drei von der Stempelstelle (32) Kampf (32) Drei von der Stempelstelle (32) Fortschritt (33)
