MAIL English Version

Friedrich Honna

1885 - 1964

The actor and singer Friedrich Honna began his career at the theater, to his engagements belonged cities like Kattowitz, Halberstadt and finally Berlin in 1932 where he was engaged by Heinz Hilpert for the Volksbühne. He remained active at this theater till 1944.

Only one year after his arrival in Berlin he also took part in first movies like „Eine Stadt steht kopf“ (33) and „Liebelei“ (33).

Till the end of World War II followed other well-known productions like „Die Finanzen des Grossherzogs“ (34), „Die Umwege des schönen Karl“ (38), „Bal paré“ (40), „Das leichte Mädchen“ (40), „Der Kleinstadtpoet“ (40), „Damals“ (43), „Seinerzeit zu meiner Zeit“ (44) and „Der Engel mit dem Saitenspiel“ (44).

He continued his stage career at the Hebbel-Theater after the war, from 1951 he normally went on tour through Germany.

He also appeared again in front of the camera, among them „Der Biberpelz“ (49), „Unser täglich Brot“ (49), „Das kalte Herz“ (50) and „Das Beil von Wandsbek“ (51).

Other movies with Friedrich Honna:
Der Polizeibericht meldet... (34) Die Hochzeitsreise (39) Die gute Sieben (40) Für die Katz' (40) Der Weg ins Freie (41) Karneval der Liebe (43) Man spielt nicht mit der Liebe (49)
