MAIL English Version


Hans Jacoby

1898 - 1967

The production designer Ludwig Kainer first studied medicine and art before he began his professional career as a painter. Later he also became a graphic artist too.
He illustrated posters and created drawings for several magazines.

He joined the film business in 1915 where he soon became a demanded production designer. He often created the set for movies of the great movie star Henny Porten.
To his well-known movies of the 10s belong "Der Schuss im Traum" (15), "Der Mann im Spiegel" (16), "Gelöste Ketten" (16), "Die Prinzessin von Neutralien" (17), "Die Ehe der Luise Rohrbach" (17), "Christa Hartungen" (17), "Die Faust des Riesen" (17), "Auf Probe gestellt" (18), "Das Geschlecht derer von Ringwall" (18) and "Agnes Arnau und ihre drei Freier" (18).
For the last mentioned movie he also created the costumes for the first time.

His last cinematical works came at the beginning of the 20s into being and he was the production designer for "Die goldene Krone" (20), "Kean" (21), "Sie und die Drei" (22) and "Inge Larsen" (24).
As a costume designer he was working for the movies "Kean" (21), "Sie und die Drei" (22), "Fräulein Raffke" (23) and "Inge Larsen" (24).

In the next years he dedicated his activity to the stage where he created the set. He did not work again as a production designer for German movies.
Only with his forced emigration to Paris he worked again as a production designer for few movies like "Au service du tsar" (36) and "Entente cordiale" (39).

After World War II he dedicated to the stage again.

Ludwig Kainer was among others married with the painter Lene Schneider.

Other movies from Hans Jacoby (Production Designer):
Dämon Zirkus (23) Die Andere (24) Die Frau mit dem schlechten Ruf (25) Liebe macht blind (25) Wien-Berlin (26) Die Frauengasse von Algier (26) Heimweh (27) Revolutionshochzeit (28) Die Siebzehnjährigen (28) Mein Herz gehört Dir (29) Das lockende Ziel (30) Die Blumenfrau von Lindenau (31) Hirsekorn greift ein (31) Purpur und waschblau (31) Mädchen zum heiraten (32) Eine von uns (32) Unmögliche Liebe (32) Moral und Liebe (32) Hände aus dem Dunkel (33) Das verlorene Tal (34) La verdadera victoria (44) Apasionadamente (44) Santa Candida (45) Eramos seis (45) Soy un infeliz (46) La hosteria del caballito blanco (48) El barco sale a diez (48)

Sombras en el rio (39)

Sombras en el rio (39)
