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Lucy Kieselhausen

Picture Lucy Kieselhausen
Foto: Alexander Binder (1888-1929)

1897 - 1926

The dancer and actress Lucy Kieselhausen was a student of Grete Wiesenthal and was celebrated as a successful dancer at the beginning of the 20th century who had great successes on German stages.

She appeared in front of the camera for the first time as a mannequin in the documentary movie "Deutsche Modenschau auf der Deutschen Werkbundausstellung zu Bern" (17) before she acted in the silent movie era as an actress too.
In her first movie "Tausend und eine Frau" (18) she took part at the side of Erich Kaiser-Titz, Ernst Hofmann and Harry Lamberts-Paulsen.

It followed Willy Grunwald's "Die siebente Grossmacht" (19) with Loo Holl, Bruno Decarli, Willy Kaiser-Heyl, Ida Perry, Heinz Salfner and Hermann Picha.

In her last movie "Erdgeist" (23) directed by Leopold Jesserer she appeared with Asta Nielsen, Albert Bassermann, Carl Ebert, Heinrich George, Gustav Rickelt, Rudolf Forster, Alexander Granach, Julius Falkenstein and Anton Pointner.

Besides her dancing activity she also wrote the dance drama "Salambo", which was set to music by Heinz Tiessen.
She also appeared in guest performances, among others in Düsseldorf in 1916 and at a dancing party with Eric Charell at the Stadttheater Bern in 1917.

For the election of the first fashion queen in Berlin Lucy Kieselhausen belonged to the jury.

Lucy Kieselhausen was killed by a tragic accident as a result of a petrol explosion with burning jet of flame in her bathroom.

Foto Binder

Foto Binder

Foto Binder

Foto Binder

Foto Binder

Foto Binder

Foto Binder

Foto Wilhelm Willinger (1879-1943)
