MAIL English Version

Leopoldine Konstantin

Picture Leopoldine Konstantin
Foto: Alexander Binder (1888-1929)

1886 - 1965

The actress Leopoldine Konstantin achieved the attention of the criticism in 1910 for the first time when she played Maria in the play "Gawan" in Berlin. 
Since 1912 she acted on the Berliner Reinhardt stage but after a lawsuit with Reinhardt she changed to Vienna in 1916; not till 1919 she returned to Berlin. 

Her first appearances in movies can be back-dated to 1912. She was set in "Die Hand des Schicksals". Her strong fixing into a gestic and mimic repertoire - most variations of a ladylike type - led her merely to better supporting roles at the beginning of the 20s.
Still her popularity kept unbreakable.

Between 1921 and 1933 she didn't shot any movies but concentrated more on the theater. In the late 20s the hard work payed and the criticism reacted bysurprise onto her sensitive realization in the play "Finden Sie, dass sich Constanze richtig verhält?" (1928).

Together with the sound film the demandings to her roles grew. She appeared in "Saison in Kairo" (33), "Prinzessin Turandot" (34) and "Der alte und der junge König" (35). 

In 1935 she followed her husband Geza Herczeg to Austria and played among other things in "Andere Welt" (37).
In 1938 she went via London - where she lost her son during the last German air raid to London - into the American exil. At the beginning she was forced to work in a factory before stage engagement and few movies followed little by little.
Her most important movie in the USA was Hitchcock's "Notorious - Berüchtigt/Weisses Gift" (46).

In 1948 she returned to Vienna but couldn't go on from her earlier successes.

Other movies with Leopoldine Konstantin:
Gebannt und erlöst (12) Europäisches Sklavenleben (12) Schuldig (13) Vater und Sohn (13) Die zerbrochene Puppe (14) Kleine weisse Sklaven (14) Die Tänzerin (15) Der Radiumraub (16) Aus vergessenen Akten (17) Der Onyxknopf (17) Eine Nacht in der Stahlkammer (17) Der Volontär (18) Lola Montez (18) Lilli (19) Lillis Ehe (19) Der Verrat der Gräfin Leonie (19) Weltbrand (20) Präsident Barrada (20) Der Shawl der Kaiserin Katharina II (20) Können Gedanken töten? (20) Der Silberkönig (21) Ein Mädel mit Tempo/Es tut sich was um Mitternacht (34) Csibi, der Fratz (34) Liebe dumme Mama (34) Frischer Wind aus Kanada (35) Mädchenpensionat (36) Und Du, mein Schatz, fährst mit (36) The American (50) The Swan (50)
