MAIL English Version

Ingeborg von Kusserow

1919 - 2014

The actress Ingeborg von Kusserow conquered the German big screen in the middle of the 30's and too part in a whole string of successful entertainment movies. To her early successes belong "Das Hofkonzert" (36), "Wenn Frauen schweigen" (37), "Daphne und der Diplomat" (37), "Das Mädchen von gestern Nacht" (38), "Was tun, Sybille?" (38) and "Drei Unteroffiziere" (39).

She only appeared seldom in movies during wartime, so in "Der dunkle Punkt" (40) and "Das Konzert" (44).

After the war she took part in "Sag' die Wahrheit" (46) before she went to England in 1947 where she continued her career with the pseudonym Ingeborg Wells.
To her movies in Englad belong "Captain Horatio Hornblower" (51), "Death Is a Number" (51), "The Secret People" (52), "Women of Twilight" (53), "The Accused" (53) and "Port of Escape" (56).

Other movies with Ingeborg von Kusserow: 
Liebe kann lügen (37) Meine Freundin Barbara (37) Alkohol und Steuerrad (37) Wie einst im Mai (37) Pension Elise Nottebohm (37) Bluff (38) Gute Reise, Herr Meier (38) Kleiner Mann - ganz gross (38) Hochzeitsnacht (38) Blechmusik (38) Rätsel um Beate (38) Der lose Falter (38) Eine Nacht im Mai (38) In letzter Minute (39) Renate im Quartett (39) Liebe auf den ersten Blick (39) Onkel Fridolin (39) Herz ohne Heimat (40) Falschmünzer (40) Was eine Frau im Frühling träumt (41) Leichte Muse (41) Der grosse Fall (49) Die Reise nach Marrakesch (49) One Wild Oat (51) Chelsea Story (51) Two on the Tiles (52) King of the Underworld (52) House of Blackmail (53) Child's Play (53) Double Exposure (54) Serie "The Scarlet Pimpernel: Lady in Distress" (54) Serie "The Adventures of Robin Hood: The Vandals" (56) Cross the Bridge (57)
