MAIL English Version

Hans Lang

1908 - 1992

The composer Hans Lang already worked for the medium film in the 20's but not as a composer but a screen writer for the silent movie "Haifische der Nachkriegszeit" (25).

After this temporary first work for a movie it lasted eleven years before he became active again for the film, this time as a film composer.
To his first compositions belong "Lumpacivagabundus" (36), "Hurra, ich bin Papa!" (39) and "Das jüngste Gericht" (40).
During this time he also wrote the operetta "Lisa, benimm dich!" (39).

World War II interrupted his career but after the war he was able to continue his career as a film composer and he became very popular for his music for movies of the 50's with a regional background, the so-called Heimatfilm. 
He often worked together with the songwriter Erich Meder.

To his most popular movies of the 50's belong "Der alte Sünder" (51), "Hallo Dienstmann" (52), "Knall und Fall als Hochstapler" (52), "Kaisermanöver" (54), "Verlobung am Wolfgangsee" (56), "Ober zahlen" (57), "Hallo Taxi" (58) and "Immer die Radfahrer" (58).

His last cinematical works came in the 60's into being with his music for "Mariandl" (61) and "Mariandls Rückkehr" (62).

Other movies from Hans Lang:
Der Hampelmann (38) Spiegel des Lebens (38) Der Hofrat Geiger (47) Der Herr Kanzleirat (48) Liebe Freundin (49) Auf der Alm, da gibt's ka Sünd' (50) Eva erbt das Paradies…ein Abenteuer im Salzkammergut (51) Zwei in einem Auto (51) Die Wirthin von Maria Wörth (52) Der Mann in der Wanne (52) Du bist die Rose vom Wörthersee (52) Der Obersteiger (53) Die Fiakermilli (53) Strassenserenade (53) Knall und Fall als Detektive (53) Kaiserwalzer (53) Bruder Martin (54) Die Wirtin zur Goldenen Krone (55) Lügen haben hübsche Beine (56) Liebe, Schnee und Sonnenschein (56) Lumpazivagabundus (56) Husarenmanöver (56) Wenn Poldi ins Manöver zieht (56) Kaiserball (56) K. und k. Feldmarschall (56) Kaiserjäger (56) Heiratskandidaten (57) Heimweh...dort wo die Blumen blüh'n (57) Die Lindenwirtin vom Donaustrand (57) Man ist nur zweimal jung (58)
