MAIL English Version

Paula Lepa

1912 - 1984

The actress Paula Lepa began her acting career in 1939 with the movies "Inspektor Warren wird benötigt" (39) and "Wenn Männer verreisen" (39).

Her appearances in front of the camera kept seldom in the next years, she concentrated to the stage in the first place.
To her movies of the 40's belong "Fahrt ins Leben" (40), "Für die Katz" (40) and "Das grosse Spiel" (42).

After that followed a longer interruption before she took part again in a short movie in 1953 called "Auf Dich kommt es an" (53). Her last cinematical work followed with "Chicagos grösste Verbrecher in die Arme der Gesellschaft zurückführte" (72).

Besides her activity as an actres she was also busy as speaker in radio plays and with dubbing of movies. She gave her voice among others for the movies "Der Arzt und das Mädchen" and "Lukrezia Borgia".
From 1969 she worked as a dub author and director in Berlin where she also took on further speaker roles.
To her most famous dubbing roles belong "Drei Milliarden ohne Fahrstuhl" and of course "E.T." directed by Steven Spielberg, where she spoke the role of the estraterrestrial gnome.

Paula Lepa was among others married with the actor Eduard Wesener.
