MAIL English Version

Marga Lindt

1888 - 1969

The actress Marga Lindt was born as Margarethe Constanze Sauer. She conquered the film business at the end of the 10's and launched a successful and intensive film career in the next years.

To her first movies belong "Die schwarze Kugel" (17) with Valy Arnheim, an actor with whom she appeared in front of the camera time and again in the next years, "Sein Todfeind" (18) directed by Harry Piel, "Aus 1000 Meter Höhe" (18) and "Die Todesfahrt" (19). 

In the 20's followed the height of her career and she usually took part in so called sensation movies which were very popular at that time.
To her movies of those years belong "Mascotte" (20) with Felix Basch, "Geheimbund der Falken" (20) , "Der Todesflieger" (21) with Valy Arnheim as Harry Hill, "Harry Hill, der Herr der Welt" (23), "Harry Hills Jagd auf den Tod" (24) and "Die Piraten der Ostseebäder" (26).

Her last movie was her only talky at the same time called "Glühende Berge - flammendes Herz" (30) at Gritta Ley's and Hanns Beck-Gaden's side.

Other movies with Marga Lindt:
Keimendes Leben (18) Der gelbe Schein (18) Das Testament des Grafen Hammerstein (18) Wetterleuchten (18) Prozess Worth (18) Im 100-Kilometer Tempo (18) Mit 300 PS.-Vollgas (19) Maske 74 (19) Lyas Flirt mit dem Heiligen (19) Der Kampf in den Lüften (19) Das Millionenmädel (19) Tom Murger, der Bankräuber (20) Die Schmuggler von San Diego (20) Die Höllenmaschine (20) Das unbewohnte Haus (20) Das Detektiv Duell (20) Tamburin und Castagnetten (20) Arbeit ist des Lebens Würze (20) Die Hochbahnkatastrophe (21) Die Blitzzentrale (21) Im Schatten der Vergangenheit (22) Hoteldiebe (22) Der Höllenreiter (22) Quarantäne (23) Harry Hill auf Welle 1000 (26)
