MAIL English Version

Ernst Lubitsch 

Fotos: Alexander Binder (1888-1929)

1892 - 1947

The actor and director Ernst Lubitsch entered first a midle-class education as a accountant before he came in contact with the theater by the actor Victor Arnold.

The film business took soon up an important place in Lubitsch's live. He made his film debut as an actor with "Die ideale Gattin" (13) and with the movie "Die Firma heiratet" (13) and the sequal "Der Stolz der Firma" (14) he became a popular comedian.
He already realised his first movie as a director in 1915 called "Fräulein Seifenschaum" (15) and he established his reputation as a director, writer, producer and comedian with the foundation of the Malu-Film company, together with the actor Ernst Matray.

In the next few years followed successful productions in which Ernst Lubitsch still worked as an actor. To these movies belong "Fräulein Picollo" (15), "Blindekuh" (15), "Schuhpalast Pinkus" (16), "Hans Trutz im Schlaraffenland" (17), "Das fidele Gefängnis" (17), "Meyer aus Berlin" (18) and "Sumurun" (20).

After that he gave up his acting career and concentrated to the direction. He shot first big movies and from now on Ernst Lubitsch belonged to the first brigade of German directors.
To his most popular movies as a director of the 10's belong "Wenn vier dasselbe tun" (17), "Die Augen der Mumie Ma" (18), "Carmen" (18), "Die Austernprinzessin" (19) and "Madame Dubarry" (19).

It followed other well-known production in the early 20's like "Romeo und Julia im Schnee" (20), "Sumurun" (20), "Anna Boleyn" (20), "Kohlhiesels Töchter" (20), "Die Bergkatze" (21), "Das Weib des Pharao" (21) and "Die Flamme" (22) - his last German movie.

Becauce of the huge success of his movie "Madame Dubarry" he was also well-known in the USA.
Invited by Mary Pickford he went to New York and directed the movie "Rosita" (23) with her. It followed "Three Women" (24), "Forbidden Paradise" (24) and "Lady Windermere's Fan" (25) which established Lubitisch as a great director in the USA too.
To his last silent movies belong "The Pariot" (28) with Emil Jannings, who was awarded with the first Oscar in film history, and "Eternal Love" (29).

The talkies were unable to get at Ernst Lubitsch, on the contrary. Some of his best works as a director came in the 30's and early 40's into being. The audience was amused with his movies "Monte Carlo" (30), "One Hour with You" (32), "Trouble in Paradise" (32) and "The Merry Widow" (34).

It followed Lubitsch's biggest successes with "Angel" (37), "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife" (38), "Ninotchka" (39), "The Shop Around the Corner" (39) and "To Be or Not To Be" (42).

Brief before Ernst Lubitsch's too early death he was awarded with the Honorary Award in 1947 for his life work (he got a total of three Oscar nomination in his career). 
During the shooting of his last movie "That Lady in Ermine" (48) he died and with him the so-called Lubitsch touch. The movie was finished by Otto Preminger.

Other movies with Ernst Lubitsch (Actor):
Bedingung - kein Anhang (14) Ein verliebter Racker (15) Fräulein Seifenschaum (15) Zucker und Zimt (15) Aufs Eis geführt (15) Arme Maria (15) Der gemischte Frauenchor (15) Sein einziger Patient (15) Robert und Bertram/Die lustigen Vagabunden (15) Der Kraftmeyer (15) Der letzte Anzug (15) Als ich tot war/Wo ist mein Schatz? (15) Dr. Satansohn (16) Das schönste Geschenk (16) Der G.m.b.H.-Tenor (16) Die neue Nase (16) Käsekönig Holländer (17) Der Blusenkönig (17) Wenn vier dasselbe tun (17) Prinz Sami (17) Der Rodelkavalier (18) Der Fall Rosentopf (18) Die Puppe (19) Mr. Broadway (33) Where Do We Go from Here? (45)

Zucker und Zimt (15) Aufs Eis geführt (15) Blindekuh (15) Der gemischte Frauenchor (15) Sein einziger Patient (15) Der Kraftmeyer (15) Der letzte Anzug (15) Als ich tot war/Wo ist mein Schatz? (15) Schuhpalast Pinkus (16) Das schönste Geschenk (16) Der G.m.b.H.-Tenor (16) Die neue Nase (16) Keiner von beiden (16) Käsekönig Holländer (17) Der Blusenkönig (17) Ossi's Tagebuch (17) Das fidele Gefängnis (17) Prinz Sami (17) Der Rodelkavalier (18) Ich möchte kein Mann sein (18) Das Mädel vom Ballett (18) Der Fall Rosentopf (18) Meyer aus Berlin (18) Meine Frau, die Filmschauspielerin (18) Rausch (19) Die Puppe (19) The Marriage Circle - Die Ehe im Kreis/Rund um die Ehe (24) Kiss Me Again - Küss' mich noch einmal (25) So This is Paris - So ist Paris (26) The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg - Alt-Heidelberg (27) The Love Parade - Liebesparade (29) Paramount on Parade: 5. Origin of the Apache; 11. A Park in Paris; 13. The Rainbow Revels" (30) The Smiling Lieutenant - Der lächelnde Leutnant (31) The Man I Killed/Broken Lullaby - Der Mann, den sein Gewissen trieb (31) If Had a Million: The Clerk - Wenn ich eine Million hätte (32) Design for Living - Serenade zu Dritt (33) The Uncertain Feeling - Ehekomödie (41) Heaven Can Wait - Ein himmlischer Sünder (43) Cluny Brown - Cluny Brown auf Freiersfüssen (46)

Zucker und Zimt (15) Aufs Eis geführt (15) Das Weib des Pharao (21) Die Flamme (22) Rosita (23) The Marriage Circle - Die Ehe im Kreis/Rund um die Ehe (24) Three Women - Drei Frauen (24) Forbidden Paradise - Das verbotene Paradies (24) Kiss Me Again - Küss' mich noch einmal (25) Lady Windermere's Fan - Lady Windermeres Fächer (25) So This is Pars - So ist Paris (26) The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg - Alt-Heidelberg (27) The Patriot - Der Patriot (28) Eternal Love - Der König der Bernina (29) The Love Parade - Liebesparade (29) Monte Carlo (30) The Smililng Lieutenant - Der lächelnde Leutnant (31) The Man I Killed/Broken Lullaby - Der Mann, den sein Gewissen trieb (31) One Hour with You - Eine Stunde mit Dir (32) Trouble in Paradise - Ärger im Paradies (32) Design for Living - Serenade zu Dritt (33) The Merry Widow - Die lustige Witwe (34) Desire - Perlen zum Glück/Sehnsucht (36) Angel (37) Bluebeard's Eighth Wife - Blaubarts achte Frau (38) Ninotchka - Ninotschka (39) The Shop Around the Corner - Rendezvous nach Ladenschluss (39) The Uncertain Feeling - Ehekomödie (41) To Be or Not To Be - Sein oder Nichtsein (42) Heaven Can Wait - Ein himmlischer Sünder (43) A Royal Scandal - Skandal bei Hofe (45) Dragonwyck - Weisser Oleander (46) Cluny Brown - Cluny Brown auf Freiersfüssen (46) That Lady in Ermine - Die Frau im Hermelin (48)

Zucker und Zimt (15) Der Blusenkönig (17) Wenn vier dasselbe tun (17) Das fidele Gefängnis (17) Prinz Sami (17) Der Rodelkavalier (18) Ich möchte kein Mann sein (18) Der Fall Rosentopf (18) Meine Frau, die Filmschauspielerin (18) Die Austernprinzessin (19) Der lustige Ehemann (19) Die Puppe (19) Die Wohnungsnot (19) Romeo und Julia im Schnee (20) Sumurun (20) Kohlhiesels Töchter (20) Die BErgkatze (21) 
