MAIL English Version

Lothar Müthel

Foto: Fritz Richard (1870-1933)

1896 - 1964

The actor Lothar Müthel was born as M. L. Lütcke in Berlin. He attended the Max Reinhardt acting school and worked at the Deutsches Theater Berlin till 1917.

He made his film debut with "§ 14 BGB" (15), and especially in the 20's followed several well-known productions like "Der Richter von Zalamea" (20), "Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam" (20), "Der müde Tod" (21), "Lucrezia Borgia" (22) and a small part as a monk in Murnau's movie "Faust" (26).

Lothar Müthel only appeared in one movie in the sound film era called "Yorck" (31).

Lothar Müthel was also active as a director beside his acting. He mainly directed his attention to the theater where he was working in Munich, at the Staatstheater Berlin and at the Salzburg festival. Moreover he also was the director at the Burgtheater from 1939 to 1945 and acting director in Frankfurt from 1951 to 1956. 

Other movies with Lothar Müthel:
Der Galeerensträfling (19) Die Tarantel (19) Das Haupt des Juarez (20) Die Frau im Himmel (20) Die Nacht der Königin Isabeau (20) Die Schuld des Grafen Weronski (21) Der falsche Dimitry (22) Fridericus Rex - Schicksalswende (23) Götz von Berlichingen zubenannt mit der eisernen Hand (25) Auf den Spuren der Hanse (34)
