MAIL English Version

Violetta Napierska

Foto: Mac Walten (1872-1936)

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The actress Violetta Napierska began her silent movie career in 1919 with productions like "Jettatore - Der böse Blick" (19) and "Nonne und Tänzerin" (19).

In the next years followed other successful movies, most directed by Richard Eichberg. To these movies belong "Der Tanz auf dem Vulkan" (20), "Staatsanwalt Briands Abenteuer" (20), "Sträflingsketten" (20) and "Die Macht des Blutes" (21). In all these movies there also took part Lee Parry at Violetta Napierska's side.

After her cooperation with Richard Eichberg and Lee Parry she appeared also in other popular productions from the middle of the 20's like "Der Verfluchte" (21), "Der Fechter von Ravenna" (23), "Der Mitternachtszug" (23) and "Die graue Macht" (23). 
Her last silent movie came in France into being with "Le p'tit Parigot" (26).

After that Violetta Napierska retired from the film business,only in 1936 she had a brief comeback with her only talky "Coeur de gueux" (36).

Other movies with Violetta Napierska:
Sklaven fremden Willens/Hypnose (19) Sünden der Eltern (19) Die ungültige Ehe (19) Sybil Joung (20) Der Fluch der Menschheit (20) Die Abenteuer der Marquise von Königsmarck (20) Ihre Hoheit die Tänzerin (21) Die Kette der Schuld (21) Die närrische Wette des Lord Aldini (23) 
