MAIL English Version

Alwin Neuss

Picture Alwin Neuss
Foto: Alexander Binder (1888-1929)

1879 - 1935

Alwin Neuss belonged to the actor of the first hour, his movies can be backdated to the year 1910 where he played in "Hamlet", "Vater und Sohn" and "Zwei Weihnachtsabende". 

In the following years he was employed for very different parts, among them in movies like "Ein seltsamer Fall" (14) and finally "Der Hund von Baskerville" (14), in which he impersonated the detective Sherlock Holmes. He acted in a whole string of other movies with this master detective before Alwin Neuss looked for a new figure. Eventually he played the detective Tom Shark in several movies like "Das Licht im Dunkeln". 
With it he was in good company with some other popular detective figures of the 10's like Stuart Webbs and Joe Debbs. 

Alwin Neuss lived up his affection for disguises in his movies and he also liked it to play double roles which which had their appeal in characterizing the optical equal figures with different acting. 

In the 10's he appeared in movies like "Ein Schrei in der Nacht" (15), "Dynamit" (16), "Die Spinne" (16), "Das Spiel vom Tode" (17), "Zwei blaue Jungen" (17) and "Der Cowboy" (18). 

In the 20's his fame began to fade, he only appeared in few movies, among them "Das Diadem der Zarin" (22) and "Auf Befehl der Pompadour" (24). 

His career was finally finished with the begin of the sound film. With his roles in  "Das alte Lied" (30) and "Der Tanz ins Glück" (30) he gave his farewell performance and he turned again to the theater. 

Other movies with Alwin Neuss (Actor, Director):
Der Weg zur Sünde (11) Seine erste Liebe (11) Millionenobligationen (11) Krone und Fessel (11) Die Pflicht (12) Das Zauberlied (14) Mein Name ist Spiesecke (14) Detektiv Braun (14) Das Gewissen (15) Die Stimme des Toten (16) Der Weg der Tränen (16) Streichhölzer, kauft Streichhölzer! (16) Die Stimme des Toten (16) Der Thug (16) Das Geheimnis des Sees (16) Komtesse Hella (16) Das Lied des Lebens (16) Verbrechen und Liebe (16) Streichhölzer, kauft Streichhölzer! (16) Der Weg der Tränen (16) Die Glaswand/Der Klub der Neun (17) Der Mann in Havelock (17) Das Defizit (17) Die Faust des Schicksals (17) Der Jubiläumspreis (17) Die Kraft des Michael Argobast (17) Genie und Liebe (18) Lebendig tot (18) Der Volontär (18) Die Sünde (18) Das Glück der Frau Beate (18) Clown Charly (18) Der Wilderer (18) Das Lied der Mutter (18) Das bemooste Haupt (18) Der Tod des andern (19) Die Rache ist mein (19) Bettler-GmbH (19) Verbrechen und Liebe (19) Um die Ehre einer Frau (20) Windstärke 9 (24) Die Zwei und die Dame (26) Am Rüdesheimer Schloss steht eine Linde (27)
