MAIL English Version

Franz Nicklisch

1906 - 1975

The actor Franz Nicklisch finished an acting education at Max Reinhardt's acting school of the Deutsches Theater Berlin. He made his theater debut in 1928 and impersonated countless theater roles in the following years.

He made his film debut with the box-office hit "Der Kongress tanzt" (31), till the end of war followed movies like "Morgenrot" (33), "Der Tanz auf dem Vulkan" (38) und "Der grosse König" (41) folgten.

Franz Nicklisch continued his career after the war at the Hebbel Theater Berlin, from 1952 he worked at the Schillertheater.
He also appeared in German post-war movies from time to time. To his last movies belong "Spion für Deutschland" (56), "Endstaton Liebe" (57), "Der eiserne Gustav" (58), "Emil und die Detektive" (64) and "Rheinsberg" (67).

Franz Nicklisch was also dubbing movies and leant his voice for well-known movies like "The Bridge on the River Kwai" (for Percy Herbert) and "The Best Years of Our Lives" (for Harold Russell).

Other movies with Franz Nicklisch:
Stürme der Leidenschaft (32) Ballhaus goldener Engel (32) Zwischen zwei Herzen (34) Der Meisterboxer (34) Das Mädchen Johanna (35) Soldaten - Kameraden (36) Krach und Glück um Künnemann (36) Der ahnungslose Engel (36) Unter heissem Himmel (36) Wie einst im Mai (37) Vor Liebe wird gewarnt (37) Im Namen des Volkes (39) Friedrich Schiller (40) Heimaterde (41) Zwischen Himmel und Erde (42) Die heimlichen Bräute (44) Die Schenke zur ewigen Liebe (45) Fünf unter Verdacht/Stadt im Nebel/Mord in Belgesund (50)
