MAIL English Version

Genia Nikolajewa

Lichtbild aus "Quick" 1932

1904 - 2001

The actress Genia Nikolajewa was born as Nikolajewa in St. Petersburg. Her parents moved to Berlin where she took ballet lessons. In 1920 she had her first professional dance performance. She continued her dance career at the Stadttheater Königsberg and finally she danced in the ensemble of Ernst Matray, and with his company she gave guest performances in England and South America.

She made her first acting experiences in 1930 with the revue "Alles Schwindel", it followed engagements at the Staatstheater and in different operettas and revues.

She made her film debüt with the movie "Zwei Krawatten" (30). In the next years she appeared in other movies like "Ein toller Einfall" (32), "Schuss im Morgengrauen" (32), "Die Finanzen des Grossherzogs" (33), "Schwarzer Jäger Johanna" (34), "Ein ganzer Kerl" (35), "Der Vogelhändler" (35), "Eine Frau ohne Bedeutung" (36) and "Die unentschuldigte Stunde" (37).

The carrying on of her activity were made difficult because of the now asked Aryan certificate. For the present propaganda minister Goebbels spoke up for her and pinned the half-Jewess officially as "northern". Still bigger parts stopped.
She finally decided in 1938 to emigrate to the USA where she took part in three movies - "Ride a Crooked Mile - Auf verbotenen Wegen" (38), "Adventure in Diamonds" (40) and "The Lady Has Plans" (42). After that she finished her active film career and worked as a secretary for Warner Bros.

Her departure from Germany seemed to be planned very well, even one year after her leave the officials of Germany were not aware that she was no longer in their country and they issued a special permit in 1939 for her to work as an actress in Germany. 

Other movies with Genia Nikolajewa:
1. Kabarett-Programm (31) Kabarett-Programm Nr. 6 (31) Schützenfest in Schilda (31) Skandal in der Parkstrasse (32) Quick (32) Das erste Recht des Kindes (32) Das hässliche Mädchen (33) Schlagerpartie (33) Der Meisterboxer (34) Der Fall Brencken (34) Die Liebe und die erste Eisenbahn (34) Ihr grösster Erfolg (34) Warum lügt Fräulein Käthe? (35) Frischer Wind aus Kanada (35) Das Einmaleins der Liebe (35) Künstlerliebe (35) Du kannst nicht treu sein (36) Die grosse und die kleine Welt (36) Blinde Passagiere (36) 90 Minuten Aufenthalt (36) Und Du, mein Schatz, fährst mit (36) Meine Frau, die Perle (37)
