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1877 - 1966 |
. The actress Ida Perry was born as Ida Bertha Nahrstedt. She was not only a successful stage actress but also belonged to the pioneers of the German silent movie era. In a time when the film business was in its infancy she already appeared in front of the camera. To her first movies belong "Frühlingsluft" (06), "Hänsel und Gretel" (07), "Künstlerblut" (09), "Des Lebens Würfelspiel" (12), "Leo, der Witwenfreund" (12), "Die Dame mit der Maske" (13) and "Gretchen Wendland" (13). In the next years followed movies like "Mädels im Arrest" (15), "Die goldene Brücke" (17), "Sklaven des Kapitals" (19) and "Retter der Menschheit" (19). Ida Perry also impersonated many roles in well-known productions of the 20's. To her popular productions of the 20's belong "Salome" (20), "Das rote Plakat: Die eiserne Acht" (21), "Jugend" (22), "Tiefland" (22), "Der Veilchenfresser" (26), "Herkules Maier" (27), "Der Himmel auf Erden" (27) and "Schneeschuhbanditen" (28). When the talkies replaced the silent movies Ida Perry was able to continue her career successfully. Especially in the first half of the 30's she played numerous support roles, among them in "Der Detektiv des Kaisers" (30), "Rasputin, Dämon der Frauen" (30), "Elisabeth von Österreich" (31), "Arme, kleine Eva" (31), "Der Feldherrnhügel" (32), "Ein Lied geht um die Welt" (33) with Joseph Schmidt and "Wenn ein Mädel Hochzeit macht" (35). After that Ida Perry retired nearly completely from the film business, only in 1949 followed a comeback with "Unser täglich Brot" (49), her last appearance on the big screen was in "Mein Herz darfst du nicht fragen" (52). Ida Perry was married with the actor Rudolf Andersch. Her daughter Charlotte
Ander became also a successful actress.
Other movies with Ida Perry:
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