MAIL English Version

Ivan Petrovich

Picture Ivan Petrovich
Foto: Alexander Binder (1888-1929)

1894 - 1962

The actor Ivan Petrovich was born as Swetislaw Petrovic in Novi Sad, Serbia.

After a study at the polytechnic in Prague and Belgrade he had to interrupt his study in 1916 and was called up in Serbia.

After the end of World War I he decided to enter a complete new professional way and he went to Paris where he was able to appear as an opera singer. His singing career led him from France to Germany and finally to the USA.

He made his first experiences in the film business in Hungary and Austria. To his early movies belong "Die Dame mit den Sonnenblumen" (18), "Homo immanis" (19) and "Der Stern von Damaskus" (20). 

Ivan Petrovich moved self-confident on the international parquet. In France he appeared in the movie "La femme nue" (26), in the USA in "The Garden of Allah" (27) and in Germany in "Alraune" (28).

The sound film era offered him a new challenge and thanks to his singing talent he soon became interesting offers for musicals and entertainment movies. To his well-known movies of this time belong "Die Fledermaus" (31), "Der Feldherrnhügel" (32), "Manolescu, der Fürst der Diebe" (33), "Der letzte Walzer" (34), "Der rote Reiter" (35), "Unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit" (37) and "Die Nacht der Entscheidung" (38).

Ivan Petrovich took part in the movies "Feinde" (40) and "Einmal der liebe Herrgott sein" (42) during the war time, after the war he continued his career with movies like "Der Prozess" (48), "Verlorenes Rennen" (50), "Das letzte Rezept" (51), "Fritz und Friederike" (52), "Sissi - Die junge Kaiserin" (56) and finally "Fahrstuhl zum Schafott" (57), which was a kind of a homage to his past film works.

Other movies with Ivan Petrovich:
Galathea (21) Die Tänzerin Navarro (23) Königsmark (23) Ame d'artiste (25) Der Walzer von Strauss (25) The Magician (26) La châtelaine du Liban (26) Morgane la sirène (27) Fürst oder Clown (27) Der Orlow (27) Herzen ohne Ziel (28) The Three Passions (28) Geheimnisse des Orients (28) Frauenarzt Dr. Schäfer (28) Der Zarewitsch (29) Quartier latin (29) Der Leutnant Ihrer Majestät (29) Es gibt eine Frau, die dich niemals vergisst (29) Der Günstling von Schönbrunn (29) Der König von Paris (30) Liebe und Champagner (30) Viktoria und ihr Husar (31) Opernredoute (31) La chauve-souris (31) Boudoir diplomatique (31) Holzapfel weiss alles (32) Der Diamant des Zaren (32) Die Blume von Hawaii (33) Muss man sich gleich scheiden lassen? (33) Gern hab ich die Frau'n geküsst (34) Polenblut (34) Der Kosak und die Nachtigall (35) Ungeküsst soll man nicht schlafen gehen (36) Das Frauenparadies (36) Mädchen in Weiss (36) Monika (37) Die Kronzeugin (37) Die Korallenprinzessin (37) Frauenliebe - Frauenleid (37) Stärker als die Liebe (38) Zentrale Rio (39) Dein Leben gehört mir (39) Parkstrasse 13/Verhör um Mitternacht (39) Eletre iteltek! (41) Machita (43) Il magyar kivansaghangverseny (44) Aarlberg-Express (48) Eroica (49) Wer bist du, den ich liebe? (49) Maharadscha wider Willen (50) Prämien auf den Tod (50) Czardas der Herzen/Servus, Peter (51) Verklungenes Wien (51) Die Försterchristl (52) The Devil Makes Three (52) Man nennt es Liebe (53) Einmal kehr' ich wieder (53) Der Zarewitsch (54) Witwer mit fünf Töchtern (57) Frühling in Berlin (57) Das gab's nur einmal (58) The Journey (59)
