MAIL English Version

Imre Raday

Lichtbild aus "Die Czardasfürstin" 1927

1905 - 1983

The actor Imre Raday made his film debut with "Die Czardasfürstin" (27) and he became a popular silent movie actor of the German film in the next few years.
He impersonated roles in the productions "Am Rande der Welt" (27), "Der Kampf des Donald Westhof" (27), "Polizeibericht Überfall" (28) and "Der Weg durch die Nacht" (29).

With the rise of the sound film his film career in Germany came to an end because of the linguistic barrier. Therefore he returned to Hungary where he was albe to continue his career without any problems.
He soon became a celebrated movies star in Hungary and he took part in "Marciusi mese" (34),"Peter" (34), "Az okos mama" (35), "Pokhalo" (36), "Evfordulo" (36), "Edes a bosszu" (37), "A kölcsönkéert kastély" (37), "Te csak pipalj Ladanyi" (38), "A hölgy egy kissé bogaras" (38) and "Tizenharom kislany mosolyog azégre" (38).

With the invasion of the National Socialist in Austria-Hungary his film career ended in his homeland too. As a Jew he did not get the permission to work.
Fortunately he survived World War II and he was able to continue his film career in cinema and newly in TV.

He made his comeback in the film business in 1951 with "Teljes gözzel" (51) and in the next years he took part in "Dollarpapa" (56), "Rangon alul" (60), "Alba Regia" (61), "Délutan ötkor" (65), "Nem szoktam hazudni" (66) and "Falak" (68).

Imre Raday remained active as an actor till to the old age and in his last year of his life he appeared in the productions "Lila akac" (73), "Tudos nök" (75), "Déryné hol van?" (75), the serial "Keménykalap és krumpliorr" (78), "Angi Vera" (79), the serial "Ringstrassenpalais" (80-81) and the serial "Különöshazassag" (84).

Imre Raday's son Mihaly Raday became a cinematographer.

Other movies with Imre Raday:
Die Frau im Schrank (27) Frauenarzt Dr. Schäfer (28) Heut' spielt der Strauss (28) Ein kleiner Vorschuss auf die Seligkeit (29) Csokolj meg, édes! (32) Meseauto (34) Cimzett ismeretlen (35) Baratsagor arcot kérek (36) Légy jo mindhalalig (36) Dunaparti randevu (36) Tisztelet a kivételnek (37) Lovagias ügy (37) At én lanyom nem olyan (37) Szerelemböl nösültem (37) Felfelé a lejtön (59) Hosszu az ut hazaig (60) Mindenki artatlan? (61) Puskak és galambok (61) Hazassagbol elégséges (62) Nagymama, nagymama... (64) Miért rosszak a magyar filmek? (64) Titkok éjszakaja (66) Feny a redöny mögött (66) Csalad ellen nincs orvossag (68) A lo is ember (68) A holtak visszajarnak (68) Holnap eggel (70) Fortelyos asszonyok (72) Nasz a hegyen (74) Kiséertet Lublon (76) Földünk és vidéke (77) Masodik otthonunk: Az SZTK (78) Masodik otthonunk: Az aruhaz (78) Vakacio a halott utcaban (78) Ady-novellak (78) Mese az agrolszakadt igricröl (81)
