MAIL English Version

Norbert Rohringer

1927 - 2009

The actor Norbert Rohringer was a popular child actor in the 30's and 40's. He already made his film debut at the age on 9 with "Seine Tochter ist der Peter" (36), but his scenes were cut out so that his official film debut was in 1939 where he appeared at Hans Moser's side in the movie "Anton, der Letzte" (39). 

Norbert Rohringer experienced the height of his short career in the 40's. To his well-known moives till the end of war belong "Der Sündenbock" (40), "Der Fall Rainer" (42), "Die Wirtin zum Weissen Rössl" (43), "Die Hochstaplerin" (44) and "Wie beide liebten Katharina" (45) - but the last-mentioned movie kept unfinished.

He didn't continue his film career after the war and and studied music at the Hochschule für Musik in Vienna. He earned his money as a pianist and went on tour through France, Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

Other movies with Norbert Rohringer:
Jakko (41) Mein Leben für Irland (41) Heimaterde (41) Symphonie eines Lebens (42) Liebesgeschichten (43) Kollege kommt gleich (43) Das war mein Leben (44) Ein Mann wie Maximilian (45) Freunde (45)
