MAIL English Version


Berthold Rosé

1870 - 1925

The actor Berthold Rosé was already active as a stage actor for many years when he entered the film business at the age of 42 for the first time. His first movie was  "Krone und Fessel" (12).

From 1915 he was engaged regularly for movies and he impersonated roles in productions like "Ein verhängnisvolles Sprichwort" (15), "Die Stimme des Toten" (16), "Dorritchens Vergnügungsreise" (16) with the too early deceased Dorrit Weixler, "Titanenkampf" (16), "Der Millionenschuster" (16), "Aus Mangel an Beweisen" (16), "Donna Lucia" (18), "Die blaue Mauritius" (18) and "Gepeitscht" (19).

He continued his film career successfully in the 20s and he took part in "Zu Hilfe!" (21), "Miss Venus" (21), "Soll und Haben" (24) and "Vater Voss" (25) - in this movie he played a blind person.

Berthold Rosé died at the age of only 54 in 1925.

Other movies with Berthold Rosé:
Überlistet (15) Fräulein Feldgrau (15) Der Ohm, der Neffe und sie (15) Ach, Amalia, was haste bloss getan (16) Der Hilferuf (16) Bob Cray (16) Die bleiche Renate (16) Kellner, zahlen (16) Seltsame Köpfe (16) Nottebohms missglückte Heirat (16) Das Opfer der Wera Wogg (16) Die Harmonie-Films (17) Das grosse Los (17) Die Kunst zum Heiraten (18) Kinderträume (18) Der Glücksjunge (18) Die Augen der Welt (20) Die fünf Frankfurter (22) Nick, der König der Chauffeure (25)

Donna Lucia (18)
