MAIL English Version

Hanns Sassmann

Picture Hans Sassmann

1882 - 1944

The dramaturge and screen writer Hanns Sassmann wrote several scripts for the German film in the 30's.
To his cinematical works belong among others "Grossfürstin Alexandra" (33) with the singer Maria Jeritza in der Titelrolle, "Die ganze Welt dreht sich um Liebe" (35) with Martha Eggerth, "Knox und die lustigen Vagabunden/Zirkus Saran" (35) with Leo Slezak, "Drei Mäderl um Schubert" (36) with Paul Hörbiger, "Der Mann, von dem man spricht" (36) with Heinz Rühmann and Theo Lingen as well as "Der Berg ruft" (38) and "Liebesbriefe aus dem Engadin" (38) both with the legendary Luis Trenker.

Hanns Sassmann wrote his last scripts at the beginning of the 40's for "Der Feuerteufel" (40) again with Luis Trenker and "Wetterleuchten um Barbara" (41) with Sybille Schmitz.

His main activity at the beginning of the 20th century was the literature. Especially his books based on historical topics like "Maria Theresia", "Metternich" or "Friedrich der Grosse" were very successful.

Later he also was a critic for theater and literature.

Hanns Sassmann died at the age of 62 in 1944.

Other movies from Hanns Sassmann: 
Schabernack (36) Fiakerlied (36) Die Puppenfee (36) Millionäre (37) Der liebe Augustin (40)
