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Fred Sauer
1886 - 1952 |
. The director Fred Sauer began his film career as an actor at Austrian touring companies. He made his debut in Germany with the play "Jugend" in 1909, afterwards followed many other engagements. Fred Sauer made his film debut in 1912, for the time being as writer and stuntman for movies like "Dichterlos" (12), "Das Tagebuch eines Toten" (13), "Auf einsamer Insel" (13) and "Das Recht aufs Dasein" (13). He appeared regular as an actor in the following years till 1920. To his well-known movies as an actor belong "Die Einsame" (16), "Der Mann im Eis" (16), "Die Hand" (16) and "Dämon Blut" (20). He directed his first film in 1915 called "Der Strumpf" and made a great career in the 20's and 30's in this position. His favorit field was the comedy. To Sauer's numerous silent movies as a director belong amont others "Die Verschollene" (16), "Der seltsame Gast" (18), "Die Nacht des Grauens" (19), "Tod im Nacken" (20), "Monte Carlo" (21), "Vergiftetes Blut" (21), "Die Gesunkenen" (21), "Jugend" (22), "Das Komödiantenkind" (22), "Schiff in Not" (25), "Das Erwachen des Weibes" (27), "Lockendes Gift" (28) and "Stud. chem. Helene Willfüer" (29). His direction works became rarer in the 30's. Especially comedies with
the comedian legend Weiss-Ferdl - "Der Meisterboxer" (34), "Die beiden
Seehunde" (34), "Alles weg'n dem Hund" (35), "Gordian, der Tyrann" (37)
and "Der Lachdoktor" (37) - and of course the first appearance of the Danish
cult-duo Pat & Patachon in a German movie
called "Mädchenräuber" (36) - to which followed "Blinde Passagiere"
(36) - enjoyed a huge popularity.
Other movies with Fred Sauer (Actor,
Director, Writer):
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