MAIL English Version

Just Scheu

1903 - 1956

The actor and writer Just Scheu began his career as a stage actor and after some performances he was engaged by Gustav Gründgens to Berlin at different theaters.
At the same time he began to write plays and he also composed songs.

He made his film debut as an actor with "Stärker als Paragraphen" (36), it followed the productions "Togger" (37), "Lauter Lügen" (38), "Friedrich Schiller" (40), "Friedemann Bach" (41), "Der grosse König" (42), "Damals" (43) and "Titanic" (43).

After the war he only took part in few more movies like "Export in Blond" (50) and "Der Schatten des Herrn Monitor" (50).

As a screen writer he made his film debut with "Notgemeinschaft Hinterhaus" (39). Till the end of war followed to more cinematical plays for "Freitag, der 13." (44) and "Das seltsame Fräulein Sylvia" (45).

After the war he concentrated to the writing of scripts, to these works belong "Mädchen mit Beziehungen" (50), "Königin einer Nacht" (51), "Keine Angst vor grossen Tieren" (53) and "Die Privatsekretärin" (53) and based on his theater play "Die schöne Lügnerin" (1959) was adapted for the screen.

Other movies with Just Scheu (Actor):
Die Kronzeugin (37) Du und ich (38) Salonwagen E 417 (39) Kriminalkommissar Eyck (40) Ich klage an (41) Der Strom (42) Die grosse Liebe (42) Die Entlassung (42) Meine Freundin Josefine (42) Grossstadtmelodie (43) Meine vier Jungens (44) Das seltsame Fräulein Sylvia (45) Der Mann im Sattel (45) Das kleine Hofkonzert (45) 

Der Schatten des Herrn Monitor (50) Der Teufel führt Regie (51) Kommen Sie am Ersten (51) Meine Frau macht Dummheiten (52) Einmal kehr' ich wieder…Dalmatinische Hochzeit (53) 

Meine Frau macht Dummheiten (52)
