
- 1987 |
The actress Hannelore Schroth was born as the daughter of the actor
Heinrich Schroth and the actress Käthe
Haack. Her half brohter Carl-Heinz Schroth became also a well-knwon
Therefore the way of the young Hannelore Schroth was early traced out.
She already made her film debut at the age of nine with "Dann schon lieber
Lebertran" (31), but it lasted six years before she conquered the big screen
in Germany.
To her early successes belong "Spiel im Sommerwind" (38), "Weisser Flieder"
(39) and "Kitty und die Weltkonferenz" (39) - in which she impersonated
her first leading role.
She was able to continue her career during wartime with "Friedrich
Schiller" (40), "Menschen im Sturm" (41), "Sieben Jahre Glück" (42),
"Sophienlund" (44) and "Unter den Brücken" (45). And the theater became
also more and more important in those years.
She first gained a foothold at the theater after the war and was successfully
in Düsseldorf, Munich and Hamburg.
In movies she appeared again from 1948. To her well-known post-war
movies belong "Lambert fühlt sich bedroht" (49), "Das unmögliche
Mädchen" (51), "Vor Sonnenuntergang" (56), "Wie einst Lili Marleen"
(56), "Der Hauptmann von Köpenick" (56) and "Liebling der Götter"
From the 60's followed often engagements for TV. Among others she acted
in the serials "Kriminalmuseum: Die Kiste" (67), "Auftrag: Mord!" (70),
"Derrick: Zeuge Yuroski" (80), "Aida Wendelstein" (84) and "Fridolin" (85).
To her last cinematical works belong "Bomber und Paganini" (76), "Zwischengleis"
(78) and "Lucky Star" (79).
She became well-known for a younger audience again at the beginning
of the 70's when she impersonated the role of Mrs. Petrell in the successful
Swedish serial "Emil i Lönneberga - Michel aus Lönneberga" (71).
Hannelore Schroth was among others married with the actor Carl Raddatz
and the deep sea diver Hans Hass.
Other movies with Hannelore Schroth:
Der Gouverneur (39) Die Räuber (40) Kleine Mädchen
- grosse Sorgen (41) Liebesgeschichten (43) Die schwache Stunde (43) Eine
Frau für drei Tage (44) Seinerzeit zu meiner Zeit (44) Das singende
Haus (48) Hallo - Sie haben Ihre Frau vergessen (49) Derby (49) Kätchen
für alles (49) Taxi-Kitty (50) Die wunderschöne Galathee (50)
Unschuld in tausend Nöten (51) Kommen Sie am Ersten (51) Der Fürst
von Pappenheim (52) Die Tochter der Kompanie (53) Geliebte Corinna (56)
Die Freundin meines Mannes (57) Italienreise - Liebe inbegriffen (58) Der
Mann, der nicht nein sagen konnte (58) Alle lieben Peter (59) Himmel, Amor
und Zwirn (60) Küss mich Kätchen (61) Aimée (61) Willy
(62) Allotria in Zell am See (63) Dantons Tod (63) Meine Nichte Susanne
(64) Polizeirevier Davidswache (64) Wir hau'n den Hauswirt in die Pfanne
(71) Eine Dummheit macht auch der Gescheiteste (77) Erinnerung - Sicaron
(82) Serie "Tatort: Peggy hat Angst" (83) Friedliche Tage (83) Serie "Derrick:
Angriff aus dem Dunkel" (84) Herz mit Löffel (86) Wann, wenn nicht
jetzt (87) Fridolins Heimkehr (87) |