MAIL English Version

Willy Stettner

Foto: Alexander Binder (1888-1929)

1895 - 1961

The actor Willy Stettner made his film debut already in 1921 with "Die Flammenfahrt des Pacific-Express" (21). 
After a longer interruption he continued his film career with the productions "Wie werde ich reich und glücklich?" (30), "Das Land des Lächelns" (30), "Viktor und ihr Husar" (31), "Die Vier vom Bob 13" (32), "Quick" (32), "Madame wünscht keine Kinder" (33) and "Ball im Savoy" (34).

Beside the film he especially acted on the stage. With the outbreak of World War II he did not took part in other movies because he was not allowed to work in Germany as a Jew. He emigrated to England and only returned to Germany after the war.

In 1950 he had a brief comeback with "Es liegt was in der Luft" (50), five years later followed his last movie "Der letzte Mann" (55).

Other movies with Willy Stettner:
Des Haares und der Liebe Wellen (29) Schuberts Frühlingstraum (31) Die Nacht ohne Pause (31) Kitty schwindelt sich ins Glück (32) Baby (32) Die Regimentstochter (33) Tausend für eine nacht (33) Zwielicht (39)
