MAIL English Version

Robert Stolz

1880 - 1975

The composer Robert Stolz was born into a musical family. His father was the composer and music director Jakob Stolz, his mother was the pianist and music teacher Ida Stolz-Bondy.

Therefore it was almost natural that Robert Stolz also entered a musical career. After the state examination for music in 1896 he worked among others as a director of music before he was able to publish his first composition in 1903 - the operetta "Schön Lorchen". Beside it he often worked as a conductor in Berlin and Vienna.

From the 20's he wrote a multitude of compositions, among them his opera "Die Rosen der Madonna" (20), over 40 operettas and about a dozen musicals. He also composed more than 1200 songs and many of them became hits.

He made his film debut as a composer already in 1913 for the movie "Der Millionenonkel", but only with the talkies his music showed to advantage completely. In the next years he wrote the music for German and Austrian productions. To these movies belong "Zwei Herzen im 3/4 Takt" (30), "Hokuspokus" (30), "Das Lied ist aus" (30), "Der Raub der Mona Lisa" (31), "Der Himmel auf Erden" (35), "Konfetti" (36), "Die Austernlilli" (37) and "Zauber der Bohème" (37).

Robert Stolz left Berlin in 1933 in protest against the Nazis and went to Austria. From there he helped active Jewish fugitives to flee. Robert Stolz was denaturalized form the German Reich in 1942 and his property was confiscated.
When Austria was annexed to the German Reich he went to France, later he went into exile in the USA.
There he was able to gain a foothold as a composer before he talent was also used for the American movies. He wrote the score for two movies - "Spring Parade" (40) and "It Happened Tomorrow" (44) - and was nominated for the Oscar for both movies.

After the war he returned to Austria where he composed the music for ice revues, musicals and operettas. He also contributed the film music to the post-war Austrian film. To his last cinematical works belong "Anni" (48), "Tanz ins Glück" (51), "Die Deutschmeister" (55) and "Der Kongress amüsiert sich" (65).

For his engagement for the Jews during World War II he was awarded with the Jerusalem medal in 1971.

Other movies from Robert Stolz (Filmmusic, Filmsongs):
Heute Nacht - eventuell (30) Das Kabinett des Dr. Larifari (30) Ein Tango für dich (30) Leutnant warst du einst bei den Husaren (30) Der Hampelmann (30) Der Herr auf Bestellung (30) In Wien hab' ich einmal ein Mädel geliebt (30) Die Marquis von Pompadour (30) Die lustigen Weiber von Wien (31) Liebeskommando (31) Ein Spaziergang durch Wien mit Robert Stolz (32) Ein Lied, ein Kuss, ein Mädel (32) Der Prinz von Arkadien (32) Ich will nicht wissen, wer du bist (32) Ein Mann mit Herz (32) Was Frauen träumen (33) Die Nacht der grossen Liebe (33) Hochzeit am Wolfgangsee (33) Abenteuer im Südexpress (34) Mein Herz ruft nach dir (34) Frühjahrsparade (34) Der Herr ohne Wohnung (34) Ich liebe alle Frauen (35) Zirkus Saran/Knox und die lustigen Vagabunden (35) Herbstmanöver (35) Wer zuletzt küsst/Ungeküsst soll man nicht schlafen geh'n (36) Das Frauenparadies (36) Der letzte Wiener Fiaker/Liebe im Dreivierteltakt (36) Husaren, heraus! (37) Millionäre/Ich möcht' so gern mit dir allein sein (37) Die unentschuldigte Stunde (37) Musik für dich (37) Une nuit à Tabarain - Eine Nacht im Tabarin (47) Kleine Melodie aus Wien (48) Rendezvous im Salzkammergut (48) Ein bezaubernder Schwindler (49) Mein Freund, der nicht nein sagen kann/Mein Freund Leopold (49) Im Prater blühn wieder die Bäume (58) A Breath of Scandal - Prinzessin Olympia (60)
