MAIL English Version

Julius von Szöreghy

Lichtbild aus "Twist Oliver" 1919 (on the right)

1887 - 1943

The Hungarian actor Julius von Szöreghy was born as Gyula Szöreghy in Budapest in 1883 or 1887 (depending on the source).

From 1902 he worked regularly at Hungarian theaters as an actor before he also gained a foothold at the Hungarian silent film.

To his first movies belong "Hazasodik az uram" (13), "Monna Vanna" (16), "Mary Ann" (18), "Twist Olivér" (19) and "A Csodagyerek" (20).

He went to Austria in 1920 where he became a demanded actor as well. 
To the movies of those years belong "Herren der Meere" (22), "Eine versunkene Welt" (22), "Sodom und Gomorrha" (22), "Opfer des Hasses" (23) and "Der junge Medardus" (23).

Finally he came to Germany in 1925 where he experienced the height of his film career.
Within no time he became one of the most busiest support actors of the German silent film and because of his appearances he often impersonated comical roles. 
To his most popular movies of the second half of the 20s belong "Schiff in Not" (25), "Die dritte Eskadron" (26), "Eine Dubarry von heute" (27), "Durchlaucht Radieschen" (27) "Einbruch" (27), "Da hält die Welt den Atem an" (27), "Die tolle Lola" (27), "Der Fürst von Pappenheim" (27), "Orientexpress" (27), "Luther" (28), "Die Dame in Schwarz" (28), "Die Dame mit der Maske" (28), "Saxophon-Susi" (28), "Die drei Frauen von Urban Hell" (28), "Nachtgestalten" (29) and "Das Geständnis der Drei" (29).

The transition to the sound film was no problem for him and he continued his career in Germany seamlessly during the 30s. 
He appeared among others in the productions "Das Kabinett des Dr. Larifari" (30), "Das alte Lied" (30), "Grock" (31), "Mein Leopold" (31) and "Nachtkolonne" (32).

When the National Socialist seized the power in Germany he returned to Hungary in 1934 where he remained active as a movie actor till his death.
To his well-known movies of those years belong "Szenzacio" (36), "Viki" (37), "Borcsa Amerikaban" (38), "Azurexpress" (38), "Alla bal" (39), "Karosszék" (39), "Mindenki mast szeret" (40), "Danko Pista" (41), "Hary Janos" (41), "Kadar kontra Kerekes" (42), "Szabotazs" (42), "Bajtarsak" (42) and "Csalodas" (43).

But his last movie he shot at the locaction of his greatest successes - in Germany - with "Karneval der Liebe" (43).

Besides his activity as an actor he also realised some movies as a director like "Ifjabb Fromont ésidösebb Risler" (19), "Casanovas erste und letzte Liebe" (20), "Der Dorfsgolem" (21), "Was der Wald erzählt" (30) and "Der Onkel aus Sumatra" (30).

Other movies with Julius von Szöreghy:
A becsapott ujsagiro (14) Az aranyaso (14) Elnémult harangok (16) Mire megvénülünk (17) Fehér rosza (19) Az aranyember (19) Elnémult harangok (22) Zigeunerliebe (22) Serge Panine (22) Leanybescsület (23) Der Zirkuskönig (25) Der Hahn im Korb (25) Frauen, die man oft nicht grüsst (25) Die vertauschte Braut (25) Die Zwei und die Dame (26) Die Fahrt ins Abenteuer (26) Deutsche Herzen am deutschen Rhein (26) Wie einst im Mai (26) Der goldene Schmetterling (26) Hoheit tanzt Walzer (26) Schatz, mach' Kasse (26) Ledige Töchter (26) Die glühende Gasse (27) Die Frauen von Folies Bergčres (27) Hotelratten (27) Die Köngin des Varietés (27) Salot mortale (27) Die schönsten Beine von Berlin (27) Ein schwerer Fall (27) Die heilige Lüge (27) Die Frau im Schrank (27) Das tanzende Wien (27) Eheskandal im Hause Fromont jun. Und Risler sen. (27) Eins + Eins = Drei (27) Der fröhliche Weinberg (27) Mikosch rückt ein (28) So küsst nur eine Wienerin (28) Artisten (28) Der Piccolo vom Goldenen Löwen (28) Zwei rote Rosen (28) Der fesche Husar (28) Prinzessin Olala (28) Lotte, das Warenhausmädchen (28) Die Todesschleife (28) Der Fall des Staatsanwalts M... (28) Flucht vor Blond (28) Das Haus ohne Männer (28) Die lustigen Vagabunden (29) Der Zigeunerprimas (29) Was der Wald erzählt (30) General Babka (30) Der Onkel aus Sumatra (30) Das Wolgamächen (30) Eine Freundin so goldig wie Du (30) Viktoria und ihr Husar (31) Strohwitwer (31) Kaffee Moskau (36) Ember a hid alatt (36) Döntö pillanat (38) Fekete gyémantok (38) Szervusz Péter! (39) Füszer és csemege (39) Pusztai kiralykisasszony (39) Tökéletes férfi (39) Két lany az utcan (39) Elnémult haragok (40) Göre Gabor visszatér (40) A Gorodi fogoly (40) A beszélö köntös (41) Akit elkap az ar (41) Europa nem valaszol (41) Edes ellenfél (41) Harom csengö (41) Csako és kalap (41) Leanyvasar (41)Az ördög nem alszik (41) Lelki klinika (41) Régi keringö (41) Frater Lorand (42) A 2000 pengös férfi (42) Gyavasag (42) Miért? (43) Alomkeringö (43) 
