MAIL English Version

Paula Wessely

Picture Paula Wessely
Foto: Franz Xaver Setzer (1886-1939)

1907 - 2000

The actress Paula Wessely had already a very successful theater career behind her when she conquered the world of the film. In spite of her young age she soon gained a repuation to be an inspired talent and the critics were always taken with her work.

She made her film debut with "Maskerade" (34), in the next years followed successful movies like "So endete eine Liebe" (34), "Die ganz grossen Torheiten" (37) and "Maria Ilona" (39). She was respectul mentionen "the Wessely" and she became one of the best paid actresses of the Third Reich.
Till the end of war she took part in "Ein Leben lang" (40),"Späte Liebe" (43) and "Das Herz muss schweigen" (44).

She was imposed with a ban on pursuing her career for a short time after the war because of her participation in the propaganda movie "Heimkehr" (41), but in 1948 she was able to continue her career and was convincing in the movie "Der Engel mit der Posaune" (48).
She took part in many movies in the next years and was also active as a producer. To her successes of the 50's belong " Cordula" (50), "Maria Theresia" (51), "Der Weg in die Vergangenheit" (54), "Maria Stuart" (56) and "Die unvollkommene Ehe" (59).

She only appeared in few movies from the 60's, normally in TV productions. Her main attention was directed again to the theater where she celebrated many triumphs at the Viennese Burgtheater.
To her last movies belong "Jedermann" (61), "Eine Frau ohne Bedeutung" (64), "Die Dämmerung der Sehnsucht" (76) and "Der Unbestechliche" (86).

Paula Wessely was married with the actor Attila Hörbiger. Their children Elisabeth Orth, Christiane Hörbiger and Maresa Hörbiger became also actresses.

Other movies with Paula Wessely (Actress, Producer):
Episode (35) Die Julika (36) Spiegel des Lebens (38) Die kluge Marianne (43) Vagabunden (49) Ich und meine Frau (53) Das Licht der Liebe/Wenn du noch eine Mutter hast (54) Die Wirtin zur Goldenen Krone (55) Liebe, die den Kopf verliert (56) Wo die Lerche singt (56) Unter 18/Noch minderjährig (57) Anders als du und ich/Das dritte Geschlecht (57) Im Prater blüh'n wieder die Bäume (58) Das weite Land (60) Der Bauer als Millionär (61) Anatol (61) Überfahrt (62) Port Royal (63) Fast ein Poet (68) Rumpelstilz (69) Nichts als Erinnerung (73) Glückssachen (77) Der grosse Karpfen Ferdinand und andere Weihnachtsgeschichten (78) Augenblicke (79) Wie was das damals? (84)
