 Foto: Fred Hartsook (1876-1930)
- 1955 |
Der Schauspieler Carlyle Blackwell gehörte den amerikanischen
Stummfilmpionieren und debütierte bereits 1910 vor der Kamera.
Zu seinen ersten Filmen gehören "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (10), "On
Her Doorsteps" (10), "Doctor Cupid" (11), "Slim Jim's Last Chance" (11),
"The Wasp" (11), "Over the Garden Wall" (11), "The Blackfoot Halfbreed"
(11), "The Temptation of Rodney Vane" (11) und "Norma from Norway" (11).
In den kommenden Jahren entstand eine Vielzahl von weiteren Produktionen,
die die Popularität von Carlyle Blackwell steigerten.
Zu seinen zahlreichen Auftritten vor der Kamera gehören u.a. "An
American Invasion" (12), "The Adventures of American Joe" (12), "The Colonel's
Escape" (12), "The Parasite" (12), "The Mayor's Crusade" (12), "The Boomerang"
(13), "The Redemption" (13), "The Struggle" (13), "A Daughter of the Underworld"
(13), "The Spitfire" (14), "The Secret Formula" (14), "The Last Chapter"
(15), "The Shadow of Doubt" (16), "Beyond the Wall" (16), "Youth" (17),
"The Good for Nothing" (17), "The Cabaret" (18), "The Beloved Blackmailer"
(18), "Three Green Eyes" (19) und "The Restless Sex" (20).
1914 realisierte Carlyle Blackwell auch seine erste Regiearbeit mit
"Chasing the Smuggler" (14), es folgten "The Good for Nothing" (17), "Leap
to Fame" (18) und "Beyond the Cities" (30).
In späteren Jahren war er auch als Produzent und Drehbuchautor
1921 ging Carlyle Blackwell nach England und verkörperte dort 1922
als erster die Romanfigur Bulldog Drummond in einem Film mit dem Titel
"Bulldog Drummond" (22).
Danach blieb er weiterhin in England und arbeitete dort bis 1931, sowohl
beim Theater als auch beim Film.
Zu seinen filmischen Arbeiten in England gehören "The Virgin Queen"
(23), "Shadow of Egypt" (24), "She" (25), "Monte Carlo" (26), "The Rolling
Road" (28), "The Wrecker - Der Würger" (29), "The Hound of the Baskervilles"
(29) und seine einzigen Tonfilme "Bedrock" (30) und "Beyond the Cities"
Danach trat Carlyle Blackwell vom Filmgeschäft zurück und
widemte sich wieder dem Theater zu. Sein Sohn Carlyle Blackwell jr. wurde
ebenfalls Schauspieler.
Weitere Filme mit Carlyle Blackwell:
Brother Man (10) A Dixie Mother (10) The Trail of the
Pomas Charm (11) Bertha's Mission (11) The Mission Carrier (11)
Big Hearted Jim (11) Slabsides (11) Tangles Lives (11)
The Love of Summer Morn (11) A Cattle Herder's Romance (11) Reckless Reddy
Reforms (11) The Badge of Courage (11) On the Warpath (11) The Indian Maid's
Sacrifice (11) Peggy, the Moonshiner's Daughter (11) The Alpine Lease (11)
The Mistress of Hacienda del Cerro (11) The Peril of the Plains (11) For
Her Brother's Sake (11) How Betty Captured the Outlaw (11) The Highter
Troll (11) Jean of the Jail (12) The Russian Peasant (12) An Interrupted
Wedding (12) A Princess of the Hills (12) The Alcalde's Conspiracy (12)
The Bell of Penance (12) The Spanish Revolt of 1836 (12) The Outlaw (12)
The Secret of the Miser's Cave (12) The Mexican Revolutionist (12) The
Stolen Invention (12) The Gun Smugglers (12) The Bag of Gold (12) The Organ
Grinder (12) Saved by Telephone (12) The Suffragette Sheriff (12) Fantasca,
the Gipsy (12) The Family Tyrant (12) Freed from Suspicion (12) The Wandering
Musician (12) The Kentucky Girl (12) The Daughter of the Sheriff (12) The
Frenzy of Firewater (12) The Apache Renegade (12) The Village Vixen (12)
When Youth Meets Youth (12) The Redskin Raiders (12) The Plot That Failed
(12) The Peril of the Cliffs (12) The Power of a Hymn (12) The Skinflint
(12) Mountain Dew (12) Days of '49 (12) The Flower Girl's Romance (12)
Red Wing and the Paleface (12) The Indian Uprising at Santa Fe (12) The
Water Rights War (12) The Two Runaways (12) A Dangerous Wager (13) The
Usurer (13) Red Sweeney's Mistake (13) The Pride of Angry Bear (13) The
Last Blockhouse (13) The Buckskin Coat (13) A Life in the Balance (13)
The Mountain witch (13) The Missing Bonds (13) The Honor System (13)
The Attack at Rocky Pass (13) The Sacrifice (13) The California Oil Crooks
(13) The Wayward Son (13) The Cheyenne Massacre (13) The Poet and the Soldier
(13) The Battle for Freedom (13) The Tragedy of Big Eagle Mine (13) The
Fight at Grizzly Gulch (13) The Girl and the Gangster (13) Intemperance
(13) The Skeleton in the Closet (13) The Invaders (13) Trooper Billy (13)
The Man Who Vanished (13) Perils of the Sea (13) The Plot of India's Hillmen
(13) The Invisible Foe (13) The Masquerader (14) The Convict's Story (14)
Out in the Rain (14) The Fatal Clues (14) Chasing the Smugglers (14) The
Award of Justice (14) The Wiles of a Siren (14) The Detective's Sister
(14) The Fringe on the Glove (14) Mrs. Peyton's Pearls (14) The Political
Boss (14) Such a Little Queen (14) The Key to Yesterday (14) The Man Who
Could Not Lose (14) The Uncanny Room (15) The High Hand (15) The Puppet
Crown (15) Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo (15) The Secret Orchard (15) The Case
of Becky (15) The Clarion (16) His Brother's Wife (16) Sally in Our Alley
(16) A Woman's Way (16) The Ocean Waif (16) The New South (16) The Marriage
Market (17) On Dangerous Ground (17) A Square Deal (17) The Social Leper
(17) The Page Mystery (17) The Crimson Dove (17) The Price of Pride (17)
The Burglar (17) The Beautiful Mrs. Reynolds (18) His Royal Highness (18)
The Way Out (18) Leap to Fame (18) Stolen Orders (18) The GoldenWall (18)
By Hook or Crook (18) The Road to France (18) Hitting the Trail (18) Love
in a Hurry (19) Courage for Two (19) Hit or Miss (19) The Third Woman (20)
The Beloved Vagabond (23) Les deus gosses (24) Riding for a King (26) Beating
the Book (26) One of the Best (27) The Crooked Billet (29)
The Man Who Could Not Lose (14) His Royal Highness (18)
Bedrock (30)
The Lodger (27) blighty (27) One of the Best (27) The
Rolling Road (28) Bedrock (30) Beyond the Cities (30)
Beyond the Cities (30) |