B. Francis
 Photo: Nelson Evans (1890-1923)
- 1934 |
Der Schauspieler Alec B. Francis begann seine berufliche Laufbahn als
Anwalt, ehe er in den 1890er Jahren zum Theater ging und ein beliebter
Schauspieler wurde.
Schon früh wurde er für seriöse Herren mittleren Alters
eingesetzt, einen Rollentypus, den er auch im Film immer wieder verkörperte.
Als er in die USA auswanderte, feierte er dort 1911 sein Filmdebüt
und er wurde sehr schnell ein vielbeschäftigter Darsteller in diesem
noch jungen Medium.
Zu seinen ersten Filmen gehören "Troublesome Secretaries" (11),
"The General's Daughter" (11), "Their Charming Mama" (11), "The Old Doll"
(11), "The First Violin" (12), "Playmates" (12), "The Legend of Sleepy
Hollow" (12), "Saved from the Titanic" (12), "Robin Hood" (12), "Making
Uncle Jealous" (12) und "Silent Jim" (12).
Seine Schaffenskraft blieb in den kommenden Jahren enorm und er agierte
u.a. in "The Gallop of Death" (13), "The Man Who Dared" (13), "The Key"
(13), "Jacques the Wolf" (13), "The Case of Cherry Purcelle" (14), "Duty"
(14), "Man of the Hour" (14), "Alias Jimmy Valentine" (15), "After Dark"
(15), "The Impostor" (15), "The Perils of Divorce" (16), "The Family Honor"
(17), "The Cinderella Man" (17), "The Face in the Dark" (18), "The Glorious
Adventure" (18), "The Pest" (19) und "The Crimson Gardenia" (19).
Die 20er Jahre offerierten ihm erneut eine Vielzahl an Rollen. Alec
B. Francis überzeugte in Filmen wie "Earthbound" (20), "Courage" (21),
"The Great Moment" (21) mit Gloria Swanson, "The Last Hour" (23) mit Carmel
Myers, "Three Wise Fools" (23), "Lucretia Lombard" (23), "Beau Brummel"
(24) mit John Barrymore und Mary Astor, "The Tenth Woman" (24), "The Reckless
Sex" (25), "Charley's Aunt" (25), "Vanishing Millions" (26), "The Return
of Peter Grimm" (26) mit Janet Gaynor, "Camille" (26) mit Norma Talmadge
und Gilbert Roland, "The Shepherd of the Hills" (28), "The Lion and the
Mouse" (28) mit Mae MacAvoy und Lionel Barrymore, "The Terror" (28) und
"Evangeline" (29) mit Dolores Del Rio.
Der Übergang zum Tonfilm stellte für Alec B. Francis keinerlei
Probleme dar und er konnte bis zu seinem Tod 1934 eindrückliche Nebenrollen
verkörpern, die sein schauspielerisches Talent zum Ausdruck brachten.
Zu seinen letzten Filmen gehören "Murder Will Out" (30), "The
Bishop Murder Case" (30), "Arrowsmith" (31), "Mata Hari" (31), "The Last
Man" (32), "Oliver Twist" (33), "Alice in Wonderland" (33) und "Outcast
Lady" (34).
Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Schauspieler realisierte Alec B. Francis
auch einige Filme als Regisseur wie "The Sheriff's Friend" (11) und "A
Living Memory" (12).
Weitere Filme mit Alec B. Francis:
The Clown's Best Performance (11) The Bell of Justice
(11) The Sheriff's Friend (11) A Friendly Marriage (11) Selecting His Heiress
(11) A Southern Soldier's Sacrifice (11) Auld Lang Syne (11) The Military
Air-Scout (11) Vanity Fair (11) A Reformed Santa Claus (11) The Younger
Brother (11) In the Clutches of a Vapor Bath (11) For the Honor of the
Family (12) A Timely Rescue (12) Keeping an Eye on Father (12) A Living
Memory (12) The Letter with the Black Seals (12) Oh, You Ragtime! (12)
Chamber of Forgetfulness (12) The Holy City (12) The Passing Parade (12)
The Celebrated Case (12) Caprices of Fortune (12) The Transgression of
Deacon Jones (12) Foiling a Fortune Hunter (12) Their Children's Approval
(12) Dick's Wife (12) The Vengeance of the Fakir (12) A Tammany Boarder
(13) An Accidental Servant (13) The Spectre Bridegroom (13) The One Who
Had to Pay (13) The Trail of the Silver Fox (13) The Telegraph Operator
(13) The Cromson Cross (13) For Better of for Worse (13) The Sons of a
Soldier (13) When Light Came Back (13) The Witch (13) In the Night (13)
Soul to Soul (13) The Honor of Lady Beaumont (13) The Thirst for Gold (13)
The Beaten Path (13) Stung (13) A Puritan Episode (13) Why Aunt Jane Never
Married (13) From the Beyond (13) Big Hearted Jim (13) Cynthy (13) The
Reformation of Calliope (13) Partners (13) A Son's Devotion (13) When Pierrot
Met Pierrette (13) The Highwayman's Shoes (13) Cue and Miss Cue (14) Coming
Home (14) The Good in the Worst of Us (14) The Diamond Master (14) At the
Court of Prince Make Believe (14) The Drug Traffic (14) Wife (14) The Greatest
of These (14) Moonlight (14) Boy (14) Adventures in Diplomacy (14) Son
(14) When Broadway Was a Trail (14) The Wishing Ring: An Idyll of Old England
(14) Lola (14) For the Mastery of the World (14) The Pit (14) Arrival of
Perpetua (15) The Model (15) The Sins of Society (15) The Ballet Girl (16)
Fruits of Desire (16) The Yellow Passport (16) Pawn of Fate (16) Human
Driftwood (16) Tangled Fates (16) Miss Petticoats (16) A Woman's Way (16)
Husband and Wife (16) The Gilded Cage (16) The Heart of a Hero (16) All
Man (16) A Hungry heart (17) Forget-Me-Not (17) The Page Mystery (17) The
Auction Block (17) The Marionettes (18) The Beautiful Mrs. Reynolds (18)
Broken Ties (18) Wanted: A Mother 818) The Cross Bearer (18) Leap to Fame
(18) The Venus Model (18) Money Mad (18) Hidden Fires (18) Thirty a Week
(18) Day Dreams (19) Spotlight Sadie (19) Her Code of Honor (19) The Probation
Wife (19) When Doctors Disagree (19) The City of Comrades (19) Heartsease
(19) Lord and Lady Algy (19) The World and Its Woman (19) Flame of the
Desert (19) The Paliser Case (20) The Street Called Straight (20) The Butterfly
Man (20) The Man Who Had Everything (20) Godless Men (20) What's a Wife
Worth? (21) A Voice in the Dark (21) A Virginia Courtship (21) Smilin'
Through (22) Beyond the Rocks (22) North of the Rio Grande (22) The Man
Who Saw Tomorrow (229 The Forgotten Law (22) The Spider and the Rose (23)
Is Divorce a Failure? (23) Little Church Around the Corner (23) Children
of Jazz (23) A Gentleman of Leisure (23) His Last Race (23) The Drivin'
Fool (23) The Gold Diggers (23) The Eternal Three (23) Half-a-Dollar Bill
(24) A Fool's Awakening (24) Do It Now (24) The Human Terror (24) Listen
Lester (24) The Bridge of Sighs (25) Outwitted (25) Capital Punishment
(25) The Champion of Lost Causes (25) A Thief in Paradise (25) The Mad
Whirl (25) Waking Up the Town (25) Man and Maid (25) The Coast of Folly
(25) The Circle (25) Thank You (25) Thunder Mountain (25) Wandering Footsteps
(25) Where the Worst Begins (25) Soiled (25) Rose of the World (25) The
Yankee Senor (26) Transcontinental Limited (26) High Steppers (26) Tramp,
Tramp, Tramp (26) Pals First (26) 3 Bad Men (26) Forever After (26) Faithful
Wives (26) The Music Master (27) The Tender Hour (27) Sally in Our Alley
(27) Companionate Marriage (28) The Little Snob (28) Broadway Daddies (28)
Life's Mockery (28) Evidence (29) The Mississippi Gambler (29) The Sacred
Flame (29) The Case of Sergeant Grischa (30) Outward Bound (30) Feet First
(30) Captain Applejack (31) Stout Hearts and Willing Hands (31) Oh! Oh!
Cleopatra (31) No Greater Love (32) Alias Mary Smith (32) The Last Mile
(32) Supernatural (33) Looking Forward (33) His Private Secretary (33)
The Mystery of Mr. X (34) I'll Tell the World (34) The Cat's-Paw (34) |