MAIL English Version

Violet Hopson

Picture Violet Hopson

1891 - 1973

Die Schauspielerin Violet Hopson wurde als Elma Kate Victoria Karkeek in den USA geboren und avancierte in den 10er Jahren zu einem der ersten britischen Stummfilmstars. Ihr Filmdebüt feierte sie 1910 mit "Mr. Tubby's Triumph" (10).In den nächsten Jahren entstanden Filme wie "The Umbrella They Could Note Lose" (12), "The Jewel Thieves Outwitted" (13), "The Great Poison Mystery" (14), "The White Hope" (15), "Schoolgirl Rebels" (15) und "Behind the Curtain" (15). 

Durch ihren grossen Erfolg gründete sie zusammen mit ihrem Ehemann, dem Regisseur Walter West, eine eigene Filmgesellschaft.

In der zweiten Hälfte der 10er Jahren agierte sie weiterhin in zahlreichen Produktionen, darunter "Molly Bawn" (16), "The Marriage of William Ashe" (16), "A Gamble for Love" (17), "The Cobweg" (17), "The Adventures of Dick Dolan" (17), "The Soul of Guilda Lois" (19) und "The Gentleman Rider" (19). 
In den 20er Jahren entstanden ihre letzten grossen Filmauftritte. Sie agierte u.a. in den Filmen "Her Son" (20), "The Imperfect Lover" (21), "The Scarlet Lady" (22), "Beautiful Kitty" (23), "A Daughter of Love" (25) und "Widecombe Fair" (28). 

Mit dem Aufkommen des Tonfilms neigte sich auch die Filmlaufbahn von Violet Hompson dem Ende entgegen. Sie erschien nur noch in den Tonfilmen "Self Made Lady" (32) und "One Precious Year" (33), danach zog sie sich aus dem Filmgeschäft zurück. 

Weitere Filme mit Violet Hopson: 
The Stolen Picture (12) Love in a Laundry (12) Two Little Pals (13) The Vicar of Wakefield (13) The Law in Their Own Hands (13) Queen Elizabeth (13) Drake's Love Story (13) At the Foot of the SCaffold (13) A Litttle Widow Is a Dangerous Thing (13) Two of a Kind (14) Time the Great Healer (14) They Say - Let Them Say (14) The Unseen Witness (14) The Stress of Circumstance (14) The Schemers: or, The Jewels of Hate (1) The Man from India (14) The Kleptomaniac (14) The Hunchback (14) The Girl Who Played the Game (14) The Bride Destroyer (14) Memory (14) Life's Dark Road (14) Judged by Appearances (14) A Noble Deception (14) The Heart of Midlothian (14) The Cry of the Captive (14) The Terror of the Air (14) The Chimes (14) Things We Want to Know (15) The Shepherd of Souls (15) The Second String (15) The Recalling of John Grey (15) The Outrage (15) The Nightbirds of London (15) The Man Who Wasn't (15) The Man Who Stayed at Home (15) The Baby on the Barge (15) Sweet Lavender (15) Marmaduke and His Angel (15) Her Boy (15) Be Sure Your Sins (15) A Losing Game (15) All the World's a Stage (15) Barnaby Rudge (15) A Moment of Darkness (15) Tubb'y Uncle (16) Tubby's Typewriter (16) Tubby's Tip (16) Tubby's Spanish Girls (16) Tubby's River Trip (16) Tubby's Rest Cure (16) Tubby's Good Work (16) Tubby's Dugout (16) Tubby's Bungle-Oh! (16) Tubby's and the Clutching Hand (16) Imogen Parrott (16) Trelawny of the Wells (16) The House of Fortescue (16) The Grand Babylon Hotel (16) Sowing the Wind (16) Iris (16) Exploits of Tubby (16) A Bunch of Violets (16) Comin' Thro the Rye (16) The Ware Case (17) The Ragged Messenger (17) The House Opposite (17) The Blindness of Fortune (17) The American Heiress (17) Her Marriage Lines (17) A Munition Girl's Romance (17) The Eternal Triangle (17) The Woman Wins (18) The Snare (18) Sisters in Arms (18) My Son, My Son (18) Missing the Tide (18) A Turf Conspiracy (18) A Fortune at Stake (18) The Irresistible Flapper (19) Snow in the Desert (19) In the Gloaming (19) A Daughter of Eve (19) The Romance of a Movie Star (20) The Case of Lady Camber (20) Kissing Cup's Race (20) Vi of Smith's Alley (21) A Sportsman's Wife (21) When Greek Meets Greek (22) The White Hope (22) Son of Kissing Cup (22) What Price Loving Cup? (22) The Lady Owner (23) The Stirrup Cup Sensation (24) The Great Turf Mystery (24) Beating the Book (26) 
