
- 1976 |
The actor Eduard Kohout was born in the Hungarian Ceské Budejovice.
He entered the Czech film in 1913 and made his debut with "Pan professor,
nepritel zen" (13). In the next years followed the silent movies "Carodej"
(18), "Yorickova lebka" (20) and "Devce z tabakové tovarny" (29).
Afterwards he normally worked on stage again but he also appeared in
movies time and again in the next years.
To his movies of the 30's and 40'3 belong "Batalion" (37), "Jan Vyrava"
(38), "Preludium" (41), "Stastnou cestu" (43), "Lavina" (46), "Bohemian
Rapture" (48) and "Revolucni rok 1848" (49).
In his last decades he took part in the productions "Daleka cesta" (50),
"Unos" (53), "Jan Hus" (54), "Kasari" (58), "Baron Prasil" (61), "Znameni
raka" (67), "Na komete" (70) and "Touha Sherlocka Holmese" (71).
Other movies with Eduard Kohout:
Zena na rozcesti (37) Kouzelny dum (39) Nocni motyl (41)
Tanecnice (43) Blahovy sen (43) Kluci na rece (44) Bludna pout (45) Znameni
kotvy (47) Housle a sen (47) Posel usvitu (51) Velké dobrodruzstvi
(52) Mikolas Ales (52) Mlada léta (53) Z mého zivota (55)
Proti vsem (57) Obcan Brych (58) Hry a sny (59) 105 % alibi (59) Ledovi
muzi (60) Maly Bobes ve meste (62) Blaznova kronika (64) Polka jede do
sveta (65) Ukradena vzducholod (67) Spalovac mrtvol (69) Svata hrisnice
(70) |